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Unlimited Abundance

Walt Disney was a man of extraordinary vision and foresight. He knew what it would take to be successful in his chosen area of business, and he developed a formula that expressed his philosophy, and could be used in any type of business to ensure its success. He called it, his “Law of Unlimited Abundance.” Walt said that it didn’t matter what type of business or endeavor a person was engaged in, they could be successful and enjoy unlimited abundance, if they would simply follow his formula or plan. Walt Disney’s “Law of Unlimited Abundance,” stated, that to be successful, you must: “Do what you do so well, that the people who see you do it, will want to see you do it again, and will bring others to see you do it.” That’s the credo that built the enormous successes of Disneyland and Disneyworld. And in their arena of operation, they stand alone.



The Law Can Work For You!
It can be similar in your agency, too. You see, the key is to, “do what you do,” not always what someone else does, but what you do. Simply covert the “way” you perform everything done by you and your team. That’s what makes you special, sets you apart from others, and attracts people to you. You are not a conformist.

Then you do what you do, “so well,” that is, provide what your customers require, want, or need in an exceptional manner. It leaves no room for mediocrity, it’s “so well.” That implies exceptional performance.

And if you will do that so, “the people who see you do it,” (your customers), “will want to see you do it again,” (that’s repeat business), “and will bring others to see you do it,” (that’s referral business), you too, can meet with an unparalleled< explosive, success.

Because so few people perform in business that way, it sets you completely apart from all the competition. Customers can’t get the kind of caring protection from anyone or anywhere else. It’s simply not available anywhere, at any price.

So, by default, you become unique, different, and difficult to replace. And it will be reflected in your business and your bottom line. It has to. There’s no choice. It is a basic, eternal law of nature. You simply reap the results of what you’ve sown.

You Reap What You Sow


The question you must answer in your mind is, “What are you going to sow, so you will reap the kinds of rewards you wish to have?”
In the world of business, this is a most critical question, and one you would do well to take the time to answer. Fact is, most business people simply don’t understand how important the answer to this one question really is.

You see, many people go into business because it is something they have always wanted to do, or because they want a certain amount of freedom, or perhaps they want to be their own boss.

Now, those are not necessarily bad reasons, but they are selfish reasons for the most part, and while they may sound good on the surface, in actuality, some of them may not be very practical.

If you go into business for selfish reasons, and fail to give the customer his or her rightful due, your chances of success are likely to meet with hard times.

Business, like farming, requires that you do certain things in a particular order if you are to realize an abundant harvest. Now the answer to the question:  “What are you going to sow, so you will reap the kinds of rewards you want?”…is simple. You only have to look at the question backwards.

First, what kinds of rewards do you want? Second, what do you have to do to get those rewards? And third, who is it that can give you those rewards?

If you will always remember that although you may represent certain companies, they are not who pays you.

Hope this helps, hope you take action. Good luck!


Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
A Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Call 800-770-9984

PS As a special bonus for March, since it’s the month of GREEN, I will help you make MORE green. For all of the details, call 800-770-9984 or Email us ([email protected]) today for your F*REE, 29 minute, in-depth, no-obligation Agency Analysis!


Here’s What Other Agents Say About the Unstoppable Profit Producer Coaching Program and How Their Lives Have Been Changed:

“I have had the pleasure of working with Mike Stromsoe on various projects over the last four years. I must say that I have never met another individual in business who is more focused on getting the job done, whatever the task, and getting it done right with the utmost integrity. Mike has taught me many things in the business environment but what I am most thankful for is his example of discipline to get things done and get them done right, quick and precise with the customer in mind always. I highly recommend Mike Stromsoe and his team to anyone who is looking for his services.”

Terry Young ~ Southern Risk Services

About Accomplishments

Why do you think some people are willing to do things others are not? What gives some the inner game to go to the next level? What motivated and propels Lance Armstrong to stand up on a hill at the opportune moment and blow away the other cyclists?

There is a lot still unknown. Still, I feel very strongly that taking action will bring about opportunity for growth, one way or another. Lessons, if considered properly, will result in growth.

This week accomplishment is on my mind. More importantly, the accomplishment of others, like you. Recorded this on the hills recently, hope you enjoy.

It’s about: Ac·com·plish·ment

Pronunciation: ə-ˈkäm-plish-mənt, -ˈkəm-Function: noun Date: 15th century

1 : the act of accomplishing : completion
2 : something that has been accomplished : achievement
3 a : a quality or ability equipping one for society b : a special skill or ability acquired by training or practice

Here’s a quick video >>>> About accomplishment

The furthest bicycle ride in one day so far – 104 miles. Saturday, the accomplishment of 200 miles in one day will become reality.

What is holding you back in your business or life ? Call me to help you change the future of your agency and your family – 800-770-9984.

Helping you implement, execute and take action,


Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Coaching
Program for Insurance Agents

PS Make a difference, Be Unstoppable, Leave No Regrets

The Business That Supports The Life Of Your Dreams

Life is so awesome! Thought it would be fun, since having FUN is an Unstoppable passion, to share some insight into one of my personal passions. You see, this is WHY we create systematic, self-reliant business models. So most days can be like those described below:


A recent Saturday morning group bicycle ride occurred that causes me to urgently share this really important message. Please…..take a moment.

One of the toughest challenges we face as entrepreneurs is staying in the mindset that takes us to the next level. It’s all about mindset, the awesome think-tank.  You see, we are what we think about.  So, I challenge you today with this question: What is it that you think about constantly?  Do you constantly think about how good things are?  Do you constantly think about how bad things are?  Are you constantly seeing ways to improve your business?  Or are you constantly thinking about how bad things are and that there’s no way that they are going to get better?


Here are some real world results from my recent experience with some of my riding partners.  We were about 21 miles into our ride on a recent Saturday when we came along some newer cyclists in our group; we asked how things were going, how they were feeling about the ride so far.  And here was the response from one of them.  “All I can think about is that hill that’s coming up.”  This was quite intriguing to me, as one of the keys when you are riding fairly steep hills on a bicycle is that you have to get in the right mindset.  If all you think about is how difficult that hill is going to be, the hill has already beaten you.  It will beat you down and beat you down, and consequently, you’ll struggle the entire way up.  Have you ever experienced this in your business life?  If so, what’s the answer?  Well, my friend who we were riding with needed encouragement, and that’s what we gave her.  We shared with her that we’d ridden this hill many times, and that it wasn’t so bad.  Yes, the first time I rode it, it seemed ominous.  But, after it was done, it was really fairly easy.  And there’s a system that must be in place when you’re riding hills.  So, I shared with her my system.  I also encouraged her that about a third of the way up the hill, there is a little flat area where she could recover before attacking the rest of the hill.


You see, it’s about mindset, about having a system in place and it’s about where you position your mind before you enter into anything.


Working on your mindset is an incredibly challenging yet rewarding experience.  I encourage you to take a look at the left column of this blog, near the bottom and subscribe to the link “Thought of the Day-Hill”.  It’s FREE, but in fact, will pay you; your family and your business back many, many times over. This is something that I look at every single day and it helps my mindset accelerate to the level that helps us reach our goals and live our dreams!


Good luck, and see you at the top!


The only thing that matters is helping you build a business that supports the life of your dreams.  About 6 or 7 years ago, our agency was gaining momentum and growing quickly. We had acquired an agency, brought in people from the acquired agency, and brought the entire team together through the definition of each specific, documented task. We were firing on all cylinders. I finally had a business that truly “supported the life I wanted to live”. I was free!

Shortly after that, I noticed the team needed direction. Another roadblock in our evolution. That’s when our Intranet was born. Building an Intranet for your agency business can bring a whole new atmosphere to your business and your team.  Here’s just a few of the benefits this can bring:

  1. 1. Reduces Cost – with an Intranet in place, you can publish most of the company documents, memos and such directly through a webpage, go paperless.  This saves you on printing and distributions costs.  What about training costs?  If you could upload training videos directly to the Intranet, for your teams’ use (when they need it), do you think this might free up your time?  That brings me to the next item…

  3. 2. Saves Time – How much is your time worth? Have you recently calculated what an hour of your time is worth? With all of your agencies documents in one place, it is easier and quicker to add new or update existing information and make it instantly available.  When your top producer needs a form, they know right where to look – no more searching endlessly through computer folders, numerous workstations and simply wasting your valuable time.

  5. 3. Teamwork – An Intranet offers an environment where your team members can share knowledge and support, edit and manage documents/projects as a group and promote virtual team working.  Keep everyone on the same page with announcement section, interoffice memos, team calendar, FAQs, employee handbook, team motivational programs and the list goes on.

  7. 4. Increase Productivity and Effectiveness – By reducing cost, saving time at every corner and setting a stage for your team to enhance their communication and collaboration, you have become more productive and effective as individuals and an agency alike.


An Intranet has made a tremendous impact in my agency and many others. I encourage you to do a little research and see if an Intranet is the right solution for your agency business.  For an example of an intranet, check out Intranet Concepts.

To your success,


Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
Phone 800.994.9984
Email – [email protected]


PS  BTW, building an Intranet was not easy and took months of blood and sweat during afterhours work.   If you would like to virtually eliminate your pain and take advantage of my pain, see my limited time offer below.

PPS  If you are ready to take the leap and start living life on your own terms, Call 800-770-9984 or email [email protected]  to schedule you F*ree 29 minute, In-Depth Agency Analysis today.  There is absolutely ZERO Cost and No-Obligations – you have NO RISK!

Does Your Team Stand Out When ALL of the Chips Are On The Line?

Our claims service report series is one of our most requested by agents… what the heck is a claims service report?

Claims service reports are a custom document that we sent out to our customers a certain number of days after a claim occurs, because in our agency, we monitor all claims activity.  We don’t wait for the document or the notification to come in; we go out and get it.  We proactively hunt for it on carrier websites, we look at things that come in, and once we see that we proactively contact our clients, and make sure the claims process gets started.  In addition to that, we talk to them about the claims process, and make sure the companies are standing up to their end of the bargain and are taking care of our customers in the manner that they should be taken care of.  We really feel good about that.  At the end of the process, we send them out a claims service report, and we ask for feedback on how the claim went.  Our claims service report have a lot of different questions on them, which kind of lead up to the final question, which is, “Tell us about your claims experience,” and those claims service reports just time after time bring great feedback, and a lot of the responses are GREAT testimonials.  “Thank you, your agency just took great care of us.  We appreciate you being there for us always,” so forth and so on.  So keep in mind that that also is a positive emotional situation.  In other words, it’s not anything negative, it’s positive, and they’re feeling good about the situation.  We also forward all claims service reports to the carriers, good and bad. Carrier claims reps need to hear the good reports too. Our carriers LOVE this. We also market to the CLAIMANTS. You got it. If we are provided a name and contact information, we start a separate campaign to the CLAIMANTS.

Here’s a situation that happened just last night:  I was in the office and it was late, a client walked in, I said, “Hey, how can I help you?”  And he said, “Something great happened, and I just had to come by and tell you guys, and in addition to that I want to find my agent, because I feel like I want to give him a hug.  I’m that jazzed about the claims experience I just had” and I said, “Tell me more,” and he told me about the situation.  What had happened was, the agent in our office had gone the extra mile.  He had gone way out of his way to help him out, to make sure that a situation was resolved.  It was a situation we didn’t make any money on, but he went the extra mile anyway, and got the situation resolved for our customer, and our customer was, so happy they couldn’t stand it, so they drove down here to tell him.  And that particular agent was on the phone, so it was a great opportunity, that positive emotional situation was at its very highest at that point.  So, fortunately, we were in an area of the office which is right near our marketing room, and our marketing gal, who’s always on it, she just kind of handed me the camera, and I didn’t even have to think about it.  So I said, “Mr. Client, would you mind if we helped other people with just a few words about what just happened to you?”  And he said, “Yeah, no problem, what do you need me to do.”  I said, “I’d just like to record how you were taken care of by our agent, so I can share this with other people who might ask about our services.”  He said, “I’d be happy to.”  And right there on the spot, full of emotion, he recorded the testimonial.  So, that’s a perfect example of a positive emotional situation, which is the time that you always want to ask for a testimonial, because that’s when you’re going to get your very best testimonials.

Be the “Go To” agency because you take care of your customers! “No one cares how much you know until they know you care.”

To your massive success,


Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
A Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Website – – Get your 3 Complimentary Gifts Today!

PS The Claim Service Report is just one of the 251 tools given to our coaching clients…  Call and schedule your 29 minute In-Depth, Agency Analysis Call Today, there is absolutely ZERO COST and No-Obligation, it is simply just one more gift to help you.  Call 800-770-9984 or email us at [email protected].

How Important is WHAT Comes Out of Your Mouth?

Many agency principles think they can just “wing it” or they “know what they want to say.” True that, but what about every person in your office? On the telephone, you have 7 seconds to grab and hold your prospect’s attention and frequently you don’t get a second chance.

I’ve been in business for 31 years, and before that, starting working for my dad when I was 12. Using a script on every call is imperative… Why?  Because I know what happens when I don’t…

Using a script will help build confidence because it will be known what needs to be said, what questions to ask and it will be known where the conversation should go.  It keeps the person handling the call focused, eliminating the opportunity to get side-tracked or off the subject matter and wasting of precious profit time.

The key to a successful good telephone sales and prospecting call scripts, is a well thought out presentations that says what you want to say, precisely and succinctly, yet that still gives you room to maneuver. Your goal with a call script is for your prospect to hear you and for your prospect to get “hooked.”

Write your script the way you talk – and get to the point! People actually speak more in phrases or fragments, with pauses, sometimes improper grammar and the occasional ah or um…

So what makes a good prospecting sales script? Here are a few questions to ask yourself when beginning the script writing process:

  1. 1.  What is the purpose of this call?
  2. 2.  Who is this person I will be speaking with?
  3. 3.  What are the questions I need to ask?
  4. 4.  What is the potential solution for the prospect or
    customer’s problem?
  5. 5.  What is the next step?

And now it’s time for the close…  ASK for what you want! All your hard work is worth nothing if you do not ask for what you want.  If you have the best product, why are you afraid to ask people to buy it?

Happy implementing,

Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
A Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Website – – Get your 3 Complimentary Gifts Today!

PS And role play with others…. Your team members internally, family members, whoever is willing! Practice is NEVER over for the successful pros!

PPS Don’t wait another minute…  Call and schedule your 29 minute In-Depth, Agency Analysis Call Today, there is absolutely ZERO COST and No-Obligation, it is simply just one more gift to help you.  Call 800-770-9984 or email us at [email protected].

Here are a few words from another agent, just like you, about Mike Stromsoe and the Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™:

“With pleasure I recommend Mike Stromsoe. Mike is continuously pushing forward with new ideas on how to create value to his clients, employees, and business partners. His creativity and implementation is what sets him apart from the pack in his quest to be best business owner/entrepreneur he can be. There are few others who are as accountable as Mike Stromsoe. Plus Mike can lay the hammer down during his cycling training rides. Ride ON!”

Sean McCreary

Owner, M3 Insurance

Who is YOUR “Ideal” Client, Any Clue?

You work your tail off to create marketing in your agency that is effective and profitable…..Are you focusing on one particular type of client(niche) or are you spreading your marketing out to the masses – doing everything that every other agent is doing – hoping to catch anyone that comes along?

What if I told you that you CAN attract nothing but “ ideal clients” to your business?  

These are the clients whose personalities match your agency team. They are often the most profitable and least painful of all our clients.

But how exactly does your agency attract this magical arena of superstar clients? It starts by defining what makes up your unique ideal client profile.  Take a few minutes and answer the questions below:

  • –> What problems can I solve through my products and services?
  • –> What changes, or results, can I help create?
  • –> Who has these problems?
  • –> Who wants these results?
  • –> What kinds of clients do you do your best work with?
  • –> What sorts of clients leave you feeling frustrated?

Once you have discovered what you want, TAKE ACTION!  Put yourself in front of your ideal prospects/clients, join their social media groups, comment on their posts, visit their monthly meetings, engage with them – find out what their PAIN is.  But remember, you are NOT there to sell… you want to listen (great marketplace research opportunity), gain visibility and build relationships.

As part of our exclusive game changing plan in the Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™, we walk our coaching clients through an activity to identify who their personal ideal client is.  If you are interested in one more tool to help you, simply email us at [email protected] and Andrea will be happy to send you a copy!

To your massive success,

Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
A Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Website – – Get your 3 Complimentary Gifts Today!

PS Don’t wait another minute…  Call and schedule your 29 minute In-Depth, Agency Analysis Call Today, there is absolutely ZERO COST and No-Obligation, it is simply just one more gift to help you.  Call 800-770-9984 or email us at [email protected].

What Do Jim Irsay and Mark Davis Have In Common?

The ANSWER is here..

Having a world class team is the NUMBER ONE priority in any business.

If you would want more info about the Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™ or my Step by Step Hiring System, Take Action Now.  Call 800-770-9984 or Email [email protected] today and start living life on your own terms.

And remember, Implement, Execute and Take ACTION!

PS  “We don’t build businesses, we build people and people build businesses.”    ~ Zig Ziglar

Why We Do What We Do?

As the new year begins, most people have created their list of resolutions and goals.  It is during this time that it’s critically important to clearly understand  the “WHY” in what we do.  This is a significant factor in knowing where you want to go and culminate this year.

Our team recently had the opportunity to view a video about the “WHY”. It was a video that has caused daily reflection for some time. In fact, so powerful, we felt it would be unfair not to share it with each of you.

The focus is WHY we do what we do, whether it be in business or in life. Below are some of the key points of the talk. We hope these simple, yet important thoughts truly make a difference for you, your family and your business this holiday season:

Why – Why we do what we do – It is our purpose, our cause, our belief system. Why do we get out of bed in the morning or why does an organization exist ?

How – How people do it – your differentiating proposition. The processes by which we do what we do. Does our make “all the difference” for others?

What – What is it that we do? Do we have clarity on our mission?

People aren’t in it because of what you do, they are in it because of why you do it; When the opportunity to connect with people who believe what you believe arises, a common why occurs. It is our hope that everyone will consider the WHY in everything you do and that your true belief will reflect in your efforts, whether it be business or pleasure, family or friend. Every relationship matters.

There is so much to be thankful for–our families and friends, our health, our homes, our daily lives. And there is incredible opportunity going forward in 2012.

Thank you for your support, confidence, your business and friendship!

PS All NEW for 2012…… call 800-770-9984 to find out ALL of the details on WHY you should build the agency to support the life of your dreams. Call 800-770-9984 today!

10 Proven Tips to Explode Your Profits in 2012….

Are YOU ready to make your 2012 the year that will catapult your life and the lives of those you love into a rewarding experience that will make a difference for others?


As you know, to do this, we must create and maintain businesses that relentlessly churn profit on their own.  Does this describe your business(es)?


Whether your businesses relentlessly churn profit on their own or not, please accept these 10 Proven Tips to start your year on a foundation that insulates you against any and all economic pressures. I strongly encourage you to print or write down the following 10 Proven Tips and Implement, Execute and Take Action on each one:


1. Be Decisive – When you make a decision, make the decision and run with it.  Don’t waver around or hesitate.  Either implement or decide not to implement and MOVE FORWARD.


2. Stay Focused – You have made the decision, now FOCUS on it!  Segment your time, do whatever you must do to follow one course until you meet success!


3. Write Your Goals – What gets written down gets done…  Now that you have written down your goal down you have made a commitment to yourself and to others. Review them often.  Share them with those you hold closest and post them all over, in your car, bathroom mirror, fridge – EVERYWHERE.


4. Plan Thoroughly – Planning before taking action helps you to do things better, cheaper and faster.  Planning ahead will allow you to maintain focus, prepare yourself, see obstacles that lay ahead and a strategic exit plan, if necessary.


5. Involve Others – Two heads are better than one.  It’s okay to learn from someone who knows more than you.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, learn from those who did.


6. Welcome failure – Success cannot exist without failure.  Think about it, Einstein failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb.  Success cannot exist without failure, learn from it and move forward towards your goals.


 7. Take purposeful action – There is no magic pill to get you success, you must Take Action – roll up your sleeves and work your way there.  If you are waiting for it to fall in your lap, you are going to find yourself sitting there for a long time. Implement, execute and take action today!


8. Inspect what you expect – Evaluate where you currently are, in relation to where you would like to be.  Are your actions driving you down the road to meet your goals?  Things change, make sure you consistently know where you are going.  If not, you may end up traveling a long ways down the wrong road.


9. Reward yourself – Set a reward for each goal you make, or even a reward for each step accomplished to get there.  This will help motivate you and encourage you along the path to your goals.  Recognizing your achievements is critical to continue the positive behavior of striving for and meeting your goals.


10. Maintain personal integrity – Are you committed to your goals?  What’s the purpose of setting a goal if you do not plan to achieve it.  Personal integrity is the key to success.  You must commit to your commitment, keep your promise to achieve it.


How do you plan to make a difference in 2012? 


If we can help you in any way, please get in touch with us at 800-770-9984 or [email protected].


Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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