The Mirror of Truth

Being Unstoppable, Making a Difference, Leaving NO Regrets   All we want is your success. I am asked all of the time why I spend so much time helping other people. It’s easy. There is NOTHING better than helping other people who want to be helped. It’s definitely a top 3 rush in my life.…

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About Accomplishments

Why do you think some people are willing to do things others are not? What gives some the inner game to go to the next level? What motivated and propels Lance Armstrong to stand up on a hill at the opportune moment and blow away the other cyclists? There is a lot still unknown. Still,…

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California Agent Doubles, Almost Triples His Agency!

Russ Castle shares a few words about how our relationship has helped his family, his business, his life. Having trouble viewing – Click here to watch video on YouTube The Insurance Agency Lifestyle – Do you Dream About It or Scream About It? Do you struggle with choices between family or finances, work or fun?…

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