How to Target the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience can be the final step for your breakthrough. You wouldn’t open an adult diaper business and expect young adults to line-up to purchase your product, would you? Knowing who your customers are, what their needs are, and why they should buy your product is one of the most important aspects you…

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Create Stability While Growing Your Business

Starting your business can be a little shaky over here, and wobbly over there. Once you know what owning a business is actually like, it’s time for some stability! Follow these steps to help your business gain some stability as you continue growing. Regulation. Staying with regulations are very important for the continued growth of…

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Do NOT Conform!!! And Get Your ASK in Gear!!!

Conformity- is that YOU? Many years ago, I heard a message about conforming to what everyone else in society does. Like so many other HUGE lessons in life, it came from outside of our industry. And just like so many more HUGE lessons, it happened because of our children. On a side note in the…

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Singles, Not Home Runs

With baseball season in full swing, this is the perfect time for us to discuss “singles, not home runs. I love, absolutely adore, helping people FULLY understand this concept.  After all, isn’t the final score really all that matters? Let’s tap our cleats with the end with the fat part of  the bat, step out…

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How Important is WHAT Comes Out of Your Mouth?

Many agency principles think they can just “wing it” or they “know what they want to say.” True that, but what about every person in your office? On the telephone, you have 7 seconds to grab and hold your prospect’s attention and frequently you don’t get a second chance. I’ve been in business for 31…

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Who is YOUR “Ideal” Client, Any Clue?

You work your tail off to create marketing in your agency that is effective and profitable…..Are you focusing on one particular type of client(niche) or are you spreading your marketing out to the masses – doing everything that every other agent is doing – hoping to catch anyone that comes along? What if I told…

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Top 10 Reasons to Stay in Touch – Are You?

Recently spent almost 3 hours with two of the brighter minds in the insurance industry and I am blown away how far behind some agencies are in today’s marketplace. Don’t risk being one of the casualties. This business is NOT rocket science. Little known secret – a close friend of mine is a rocket scientist.…

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Affinity Marketing – It’s a Natural Fit for You

Niches to riches…..if this sounds good to you, then read on! Affinity marketing is kind of a sub-segment of a niche marketing program, but it can make your niche marketing campaign and your entire agency machine more powerful than ever. Read my own story below, it’s an example of how your “affinity” can positively affect…

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Niches to Riches…

Niche marketing can be a lot of different things… It could be that you are a restaurant insurance agency, a work comp insurance agency, etc… What you’re nicheing in doesn’t really matter, but the fact that you are doing mostly the same thing, or have large segments of business in a particular niche, not only…

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Finally, He Was Listening…

I was having a conversation recently with one of our kids who works at a school, we were discussing their marketing program. Note that the school is a private school, so they’re responsible for bringing in new students into the school. He was talking about one of the recent marketing programs that they tried that…

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