Forming The Best, Most Productive Start Up Team

Your guide to creating the right team for your start up. In big business, people can get lost in the shuffle. If one person is inefficient, odds are there’s another individual who can pick up the slack. That’s not the case in a start up, though. In the same way you value every dollar that…

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5 Tips To Encourage a Healthy Work Environment

One of the most important characteristics to maintain in your business is a healthy and happy work environment. When your workforce is happy, your company flourishes. Therefore, it is imperative that you follow these 5 tips to encourage a healthy work environment: It is important that you encourage interaction between team members. Workplace morale and…

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Freedom ROCKS and How to Get More of it!

One of the most frequent questions I get from other agents and entrepreneurs is how do you get so much freedom and don’t you worry about leaving the office for extended periods of time, whenever you want?  I used to, but not anymore.  You see, the agency that supports the life of my dreams has…

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The only thing that matters is helping you build a business that supports the life of your dreams.  About 6 or 7 years ago, our agency was gaining momentum and growing quickly. We had acquired an agency, brought in people from the acquired agency, and brought the entire team together through the definition of each…

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Does Your Team Stand Out When ALL of the Chips Are On The Line?

Our claims service report series is one of our most requested by agents… what the heck is a claims service report? Claims service reports are a custom document that we sent out to our customers a certain number of days after a claim occurs, because in our agency, we monitor all claims activity.  We don’t…

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A Picture of…

It’s been said “a picture tells a thousand words”… “a picture of efficiency”, but a video! Good news for you. I just shot a video showing the REAL WORLD TOOLS at my own desk that make each person on our total protection team a “picture of efficiency” which results in a money making machine,  …

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Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade-Tip #5 Involve Others

Success leaves clues and here’s an important one: no matter who you are, where you live, what your goal is, somebody has already been there and done that. So far in 2010, our first 4 tips are: 1. Being decisive 2. Staying focused 3. Write your goals 4. Plan thoroughly The results have been amazing!…

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Hiring the Gifted Team-Part 3

Please accept my apology, this is long over due. Our total protection team continues to explode our agency. Here is a real world sample of the exact autoresponder sent to prospective applicants who get past the first two steps. I am continually amazed at the number of qualified people who cannot follow directions!! ******************************************* Hello…

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Should You Hire Experienced CSRs or Hire No Experience?

There’s great debate among agents over this. You’ll find agents on both sides of the fence, and most who just don’t know. From my perspective – for many reasons I won’t get into here – hiring no experience is the way to go. However, I also know that sometimes you just have to hire an…

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