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Easy Tips To Lower Your Business Travel Costs

How To Cut Costs On The Road

Business travel is an essential part of building your business. When you have the opportunity to meet with your clients and potential leads face to face, you can make a much more impactful connection than you would over email, phone, or even with videoconferencing.

While you know business travel is important, you likely also know that it is expensive. Here are a few tips for discovering low cost business travel to keep your budgets balanced even as you make meaningful connections with clients.

  • Love Lunch: If you have ever looked at your business expenses while you travel, you have probably realized that dining out accounts for a significant portion of your cost. The good news is that lunch is generally more affordable than dinner, so by making lunch your main meal of the day and opting for a smaller dinner, you can cut costs.
  • Test Travel Options: Cabs are pricey. Why not try rideshare apps like Uber or Lyft to help you get a more affordable ride? These apps are easily downloaded to your smartphone and you can call a ride with just a couple clicks. Easier and cheaper, this is a win-win.
  • Pack Like A Pro: Checking a bag is unfortunately expensive. The good news is you can skip this too-high cost by packing in your carry on. Roll clothes, wear your bulkiest pieces on to the flight, and get travel-sized everything in order to easily fit everything you need in this smaller space. Bonus: No more waiting at baggage claim!

Want to learn more about how to affordably take your business to the next level? Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program today! As business experts, we stand ready to help your professional ventures succeed. Our premier wealth creation program can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Should Your Business Create A Mobile App?

The Business Benefits Of A Mobile App

In our digital age, people are seldom found without their smartphones. In fact, around half of web page visits are coming from mobile devices! That means you should either fine-tune your webpage for mobile visits or consider creating a mobile app. Here are a few ways having a mobile app for your business could offer you a boost.

  • Marketing: If you design an app that encourages its users to activate push notifications, you create another channel for you to put promotional opportunities, helpful information, and other marketing tactics at your customers’ fingertips. Simply having your icon on their phone helps you stay top-of-mind for your customers, and showing potential customers that you have a mobile app shows that your business is advancing with the modern age.
  • Networking: Not only does your mobile app create an opportunity for you to connect with your customers, it also enables your customers to connect with one another. If you offer a social networking forum within your app, you can create an entire network into which you can invite prospective customers.
  • Service: If your customer downloads your app, it means he or she is very interested in your business. With an app, you not only keep him or her interested but you also have a platform upon which you can build a relationship. Offer your customers specials and resources over your app, and you make great service only a click away.

If you would like to talk to an expert about whether or not you should create a mobile app for your business, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. We are here to come alongside you and your business and help you realize success in our modern era. Plus, we will offer you our premier wealth creation program that can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

The Best Body Language Tips

Your Posture Can Propel Your Success

If you review your own personal experience, it will likely not take you long to be convinced of the power of body language. You have seen how crossed arms can block you out, while leaning in can engage you. Body language does not just count in your personal life, though. Here are a few body language mistakes to avoid and postures to assume to propel your career forward.

  • Stop Slouching: Slouching can damage you in two ways. First, slouching makes you appear disrespectful as it appears you are not fully engaged in the present conversation or project. Secondly, because our brains equate power with how much space people take up, slouching can shrink your power.
  • Try Turning: If you are engaged in a conversation and want to let the others involved know, turn your body towards them. This shows that you are both engaged and trusting of the others involved, welcoming a deeper dialogue.
  • Fight Fidgeting: Any small, repetitive motions can imply that you are either uncomfortable or distracted. Either way, people will assume you are not fully involved in the conversation at hand when you fidget. Particularly, stay away from fixing your hair, biting your nails, and other behaviors that can make you seem like you are more concerned with the way you look than the way you work.
  • Engage Eye Contact: Practice maintaining the right amount of eye contact. Too little makes you seem disengaged, while too much can be aggressive. Note how you are in casual conversation with close friends, and work to replicate that in the workplace.

To learn more about how your body language can help you be successful, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. We can offer guidance, helping you perfect your professional posture. We also offer a premier wealth creation program that can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Tips For Taming Your Inbox

Stop Getting Backlogged With Emails

Email has transformed business, and the majority of us are grateful. Gone are the days of problematic fax machines or the need to drive across town—or fly across the country—to get a contract executed. Email has made communication easier.

The problem for many of us, though, is that our sheer email volume makes it difficult to keep up, leaving us with overflowing inboxes. Here are a few tips to help you get yours under control.

  • Commit: Since your inbox is already backlogged, it will take some time to get it back to 0. Set aside a day to do just that. It will be time consuming, but once you have your inbox cleared out entirely you will be able to stay organized moving forward.
  • Unsubscribe: Look, you barely got to that email from your manager yesterday. There is no way you are going to have time to look over that newsletter of recipes or health tips. Unsubscribe from all of your non-work related emails and save yourself the trouble of having to navigate those unimportant emails.
  • File: If you walked into an office without a filing system, you would be appalled. Why, then, do we think it is okay to leave our inboxes unorganized. Implement a filing system in your inbox to help you prioritize the most pressing matters while keeping others where they will not be forgotten.
  • Archive: To prevent inbox backlog, archive all messages that either do not need a response or do not need to stay immediately top of mind for you. You can also relocate archived emails by searching if you need them, and this system will help you keep your inbox clutter-free.

Managing your inbox is just one step on the road to success. To get the full roadmap, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. Our premier wealth creation program helps you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Want To Improve Customer Service? Check Your Company Culture

How Internal Transparency Can Transform External Experience

You know that customer service is the key to success. Other than constantly shadowing each member of your team, though, you may be stumped for how to guarantee that each individual with whom your business interacts walks away with a glowing experience. Fortunately, though, there is a very practical thing you can do to improve customer service: cultivate transparency.

How, exactly, does transparency within your team shape what comes out of your team? First, remember that a customer decides to do business with you because he or she trusts your brand. If, then, the staff with whom he or she interacts does not mirror that trust, the experience is likely to be poor.

To establish and safeguard trust in your team, make it a regular part of your in-house communication to share what is happening in your company. Work to keep your employees looped in on the business’s growth and changes so that when they interact with your customers—as well as your vendors and prospective employees—they will do so with confidence that they are informed and confidence in your brand.

Furthermore, by cultivating a transparent company culture, you personalize the work for your employees. They know for which goals they are working and how their efforts play into the bigger picture. Consequently, when they interact with customers, they will be able to similarly personalize the consumer’s experience with your business. In other words, you empower them to interact with the customer as a person, not a profit margin.

If you are hoping to talk with an expert about how to create the most transparent, healthiest company culture, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. Our premier wealth creation program can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life! So you can be the best leader and grow your best team, call us today!

Model Your Habits After The Most Successful Entrepreneurs

What Other Entrepreneurs Can Teach You About Success

Although your core business may be different from the other entrepreneurs you know, you have probably noted that many of the demands you face are the same. As entrepreneurs, you need to have a specific set of skills: focus, determination, discipline, drive, and more. Here are a few things successful entrepreneurs do that can help you unlock your own success.

  • They Prioritize. As a business owner, the demands on your time never end. Consequently, it is crucial that you carve out some space before your day begins to prioritize which to-dos are the most pressing for you and establish a game plan for how they will get done.
  • They Take Care Of Themselves. When your business is growing, it can be easy to pour yourself into it 100 percent. Unfortunately, though, that leads to burnout. So you can continue to pour into your business, pour into yourself by getting enough sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
  • They Serve. Focus not on how you can serve your business, but on how you can serve your customers. By putting your energy into making the best possible experience for your customers, you not only keep them around but also encourage them to spread the word.
  • They Focus. As an entrepreneur, you likely get excited about new business opportunities. Make sure, though, that you do not lose focus on your core business. Set definable goals for your company and work every day to attain them.

To learn more about the behaviors of successful entrepreneurs and how you can implement them to see your own success, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. We offer a premier wealth creation program to help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life! As experts on the way that business owners across the world have maximized their impact and their profit, we can help you achieve success.

Engaging Your Employees

How To Really Connect With Your Team

As the leader of the business, it can be tempting to keep a “healthy” distance between yourself and your employees. Rest assured, though, that your team knows who signs their paychecks and will not get any more comfortable with you than you let them. To have the healthiest, most productive workplace, connect with your employees. Building relationships with them will make your company a great place to work! To help you break down the barriers workplace hierarchy can put up, try these suggestions.

  • Cultivate A Safe Workspace: When you have to reprimand an employee, do it gently at first. Only resort to being harsh or strict when necessary. Most people respond best to constructive criticism. Also, make sure that no supervisors or colleagues are bullying other members on your team.
  • Listen Well: Your employees are in the trenches, doing the work day in and day out. So why is it that so many leaders ignore the suggestions of their workforce? No one has insider insight into how you could optimize your business like your employees. Welcome their suggestions, and actually listen to them. Some of them could help you boost productivity and revenue!
  • Recognize Your Team: This goes so much further than just knowing everyone’s names (although that is a good start). Keep tabs on your employees not to micromanage, but to celebrate their successes. Recognizing achievements will not just make a single employee’s day; it will also boost morale all across the workplace. Cultivate a company culture that celebrates together.

Building relationships is just one component—albeit a very important one—of building a successful business. Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Shore Up Your Self-Confidence

How To Have Faith In Yourself

So much of how we perceive people comes down to their self-confidence. Think about it- if your doctor seems like he or she doubts him or herself, how likely are you to go for a second opinion? If your server is shy and standoffish, do you leave a big tip? Do you put a lot of stock in the meek speaker’s advice? Confidence is a key component to both personal and professional success, and is, fortunately, something you can work on building. To help you on your way to self-assurance, use these tips.

  • Look Back: What have you accomplished in your life so far? Even little things like making a killer chicken dinner or being an accomplished pianist tally up to make you who you are today. Take some time to think about your achievements and how awesome they are!
  • Look Within: What does your self-talk say? Do you think negative thoughts about yourself, cutting yourself down all day long? Work on your positive thinking, and you will be amazed at how quickly you find your self-doubt lessening. Sometimes, all you need to change is your thinking.
  • Look Ahead: What do you hope to achieve? Could a person struggling with a lack of self-confidence achieve it? Visualize where you hope to go, and the kind of person you will need to be to get there. Let your visions of the future straighten your back and strengthen your resolve so you can walk ahead with confidence, leaving self-doubt in the past.

If you find this and other tips for success helpful, you are ready to get the most out of your business. Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program to discover a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

How To Keep Your Cool

Maintaining Your Composure In The Workplace

When you are invested in the work you do, it can be very easy to let a snafu throw you off balance. Fortunately, you are the master of your emotions and you can keep your cool even in the worst workplace situations. Leaders who see the most success are able to maintain their composure no matter what the workday brings; to emulate them, use these tips.

  • Be Selfless: Believe it or not, not everything is about you. Remind yourself that the issue at hand is professional, not personal, and you as an individual have very little to do with it except for the solutions you can offer. Do not let yourself get wrapped up in worrying about how an incident reflects on you personally because, to be frank, it does not.
  • Be Decisive: Nothing can be harder on your emotions—and the emotions of your employees or colleagues—than feeling pulled in a variety of directions. Gather the facts, give them careful thought, make your decision, and then stick with it. Do not let emotions or fear force you to second guess the call you made. It has been decided and you can move forward from here.
  • Be Accountable: As a leader, it is important for you to assume responsibility for the issue at hand even if you are not directly to blame for it. Do not waste time and emotional energy trying to place the blame on someone else or find a scapegoat; take it upon yourself to focus on finding a solution.

Preventing yourself from pouring emotional energy into workplace issues frees you up to put that power towards something more constructive. Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program to put your energy into a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

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