Posts Tagged ‘leader’
Working Wonders For Workplace Satisfaction
A Few Scientifically Proven Ways To Boost Workplace Happiness Business owners like to think that their companies are wonderful places to work. If, however, you can think back to your days in the trenches, you likely remember a boss or two who was completely unaware of the daily struggles you faced in the workplace. Fortunately,…
Read MoreEngaging Your Employees
How To Really Connect With Your Team As the leader of the business, it can be tempting to keep a “healthy” distance between yourself and your employees. Rest assured, though, that your team knows who signs their paychecks and will not get any more comfortable with you than you let them. To have the healthiest,…
Read MoreSky Has NO Limits And Is Leaving NO Regrets
It was 2012, Stage 18 of the Le Tour de France, about 137 miles, featured precision teamwork at its very best. If you are not familiar with the world’s premier road bicycle race, a total of 22 cycling teams take to the European streets and mountain highways in a vicious duel that requires each rider…
Read MoreThe Five Steps Of Learning And Retention
Learning – the acquisition of new information or knowledge, and Retention – the ability to capture that information and recall it when wanted or needed, is actually a process that involves five steps: First, is Impact. That is, actually receiving the idea in your mind. Impact can be in the form of a word, a visual…
Read MoreAre YOU Asking? If Not, You Are Leaving a TON of Money on the Table!
Conformity– is that YOU? Are you falling prey to conforming and operating like every other agency out there? If that’s the case, then I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing tougher times right now. BUT, if you are one of the leaders who conforms to profitable and efficient operations-CONGRATULATIONS! In speaking to groups…
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