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The Importance of a Good Team Culture

The Importance of a Good Team Culture

How Internal Transparency Can Transform External Experience

You know that customer service is the key to success. Other than constantly shadowing each member of your team, though, you may be stumped for how to guarantee that each individual with whom your business interacts walks away with a glowing experience. Fortunately, though, there is a very practical thing you can do to improve customer service: cultivate transparency.

How, exactly, does transparency within your team shape what comes out of your team? First, remember that a customer decides to do business with you because he or she trusts your brand. If, then, the staff with whom he or she interacts does not mirror that trust, the experience is likely to be poor.

To establish and safeguard trust in your team, make it a regular part of your in-house communication to share what is happening in your company. Work to keep your employees looped in on the business’s growth and changes so that when they interact with your customers—as well as your vendors and prospective employees—they will do so with confidence that they are informed and confidence in your brand.

Furthermore, by cultivating a transparent company culture, you personalize the work for your employees. They know for which goals they are working and how their efforts play into the bigger picture. Consequently, when they interact with customers, they will be able to similarly personalize the consumer’s experience with your business. In other words, you empower them to interact with the customer as a person, not a profit margin.

If you are hoping to talk with an expert about how to create the most transparent, healthiest company culture, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. Our premier wealth creation program can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life! So you can be the best leader and grow your best team, call us today!

Want To Improve Customer Service? Check Your Company Culture

How Internal Transparency Can Transform External Experience

You know that customer service is the key to success. Other than constantly shadowing each member of your team, though, you may be stumped for how to guarantee that each individual with whom your business interacts walks away with a glowing experience. Fortunately, though, there is a very practical thing you can do to improve customer service: cultivate transparency.

How, exactly, does transparency within your team shape what comes out of your team? First, remember that a customer decides to do business with you because he or she trusts your brand. If, then, the staff with whom he or she interacts does not mirror that trust, the experience is likely to be poor.

To establish and safeguard trust in your team, make it a regular part of your in-house communication to share what is happening in your company. Work to keep your employees looped in on the business’s growth and changes so that when they interact with your customers—as well as your vendors and prospective employees—they will do so with confidence that they are informed and confidence in your brand.

Furthermore, by cultivating a transparent company culture, you personalize the work for your employees. They know for which goals they are working and how their efforts play into the bigger picture. Consequently, when they interact with customers, they will be able to similarly personalize the consumer’s experience with your business. In other words, you empower them to interact with the customer as a person, not a profit margin.

If you are hoping to talk with an expert about how to create the most transparent, healthiest company culture, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. Our premier wealth creation program can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life! So you can be the best leader and grow your best team, call us today!

Engaging Your Employees

How To Really Connect With Your Team

As the leader of the business, it can be tempting to keep a “healthy” distance between yourself and your employees. Rest assured, though, that your team knows who signs their paychecks and will not get any more comfortable with you than you let them. To have the healthiest, most productive workplace, connect with your employees. Building relationships with them will make your company a great place to work! To help you break down the barriers workplace hierarchy can put up, try these suggestions.

  • Cultivate A Safe Workspace: When you have to reprimand an employee, do it gently at first. Only resort to being harsh or strict when necessary. Most people respond best to constructive criticism. Also, make sure that no supervisors or colleagues are bullying other members on your team.
  • Listen Well: Your employees are in the trenches, doing the work day in and day out. So why is it that so many leaders ignore the suggestions of their workforce? No one has insider insight into how you could optimize your business like your employees. Welcome their suggestions, and actually listen to them. Some of them could help you boost productivity and revenue!
  • Recognize Your Team: This goes so much further than just knowing everyone’s names (although that is a good start). Keep tabs on your employees not to micromanage, but to celebrate their successes. Recognizing achievements will not just make a single employee’s day; it will also boost morale all across the workplace. Cultivate a company culture that celebrates together.

Building relationships is just one component—albeit a very important one—of building a successful business. Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Get The Most Out Of 2015

Implement These Strategies For A Fruitful New Year

There is something about the beginning of a new month, a new fiscal quarter, and a new year that makes January feel so invigorating. Take advantage of this fresh start and renewed energy to implement practices that will bring your business success in 2015 and beyond. To start, try these:

  1. Do Your Homework: Has it been a while since you sent out a questionnaire to existing clients or asked for a survey from the local community? As most of us are thinking big picture with the start of the year, this is a great time to tap your resources and do research. Get clear on your target market so you can focus your energy in the coming months.
  2. Lay The Foundation: Sure, reviewing your employee handbook may not seem like the most pressing matter at hand. Taking the time to analyze your infrastructure, however, can lend you opportunities to fine tune your business practices, enabling you to better serve your clients and your team.
  3. Become An Anthropologist: Have you taken the time to study your company culture? You should. Understanding what motivates your employees will help you help them, while getting clear on any concerns will enable you to address them before they become a pressing issue.
  4. Make Space: Take the time to get out of the office, even if just for a long weekend, and head to a new location. You will expand your mind by being somewhere new, and separation from your business can give you clarity on it. Sometimes business owners get too mired in their company to see above ground level, but as your team’s leader it is important for you to create the space you need to see the big picture.

Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

New Year’s Resolutions for Small Business Owners

Make 2015 Your Best Business Year Yet With These Action Items

The holiday season is, for the most part, behind us and most of us are finally getting some time to stop and catch our breath. As we do, we look forward to a fresh beginning with the New Year just around the corner. While you work on your list of resolutions for 2015, you should also think about the kind of changes you would like to see in your business in the next year. As small business owners, you have a lot on your plate each day and taking advantage of this special time of year to clear some head space and prioritize will propel you towards business success in the coming year.

To get you started, we would like to offer a few resolutions that you might want to add to your list:

  1. Try Something New: This is not just a resolution for your personal list. You encourage continuing education in your employees, right? Apply that to yourself as well. Do you struggle to understand your financial statements? Get the training you need. Do you have regular typos in your emails? Work on expanding your vocabulary and writing skills next year.
  2. Build Your Team: If you have any standout employees, let them know that you see their hard work. If you have an employee who you know is holding your team back, dialogue with them about making serious changes. If they cannot implement them, do not be afraid to let them go. Cultivate a healthy company culture and productivity will rise.
  3. Get Out More: We live in a fast-paced business world, but taking the time to slow down and meet your clients face to face will make you a standout in the industry. And while you are out of the office, start looking for industry events. The networking and learning you can do at one brief event makes it well work the time away from the office.

For guidance on maximizing your business productivity and profit in the New Year, contact Mike Stromsoe today! Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program is a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life. Do not hesitate to call today!

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