Shore Up Your Self-Confidence

How To Have Faith In Yourself

So much of how we perceive people comes down to their self-confidence. Think about it- if your doctor seems like he or she doubts him or herself, how likely are you to go for a second opinion? If your server is shy and standoffish, do you leave a big tip? Do you put a lot of stock in the meek speaker’s advice? Confidence is a key component to both personal and professional success, and is, fortunately, something you can work on building. To help you on your way to self-assurance, use these tips.

  • Look Back: What have you accomplished in your life so far? Even little things like making a killer chicken dinner or being an accomplished pianist tally up to make you who you are today. Take some time to think about your achievements and how awesome they are!
  • Look Within: What does your self-talk say? Do you think negative thoughts about yourself, cutting yourself down all day long? Work on your positive thinking, and you will be amazed at how quickly you find your self-doubt lessening. Sometimes, all you need to change is your thinking.
  • Look Ahead: What do you hope to achieve? Could a person struggling with a lack of self-confidence achieve it? Visualize where you hope to go, and the kind of person you will need to be to get there. Let your visions of the future straighten your back and strengthen your resolve so you can walk ahead with confidence, leaving self-doubt in the past.

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