The Importance of a Good Team Culture

How Internal Transparency Can Transform External Experience You know that customer service is the key to success. Other than constantly shadowing each member of your team, though, you may be stumped for how to guarantee that each individual with whom your business interacts walks away with a glowing experience. Fortunately, though, there is a very…

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3 Tips for Managing Customer Service

If you’ve ever been on the phone with a cable company, you know how much a lack of customer service can make you want to rip your hair right of out your head. You don’t like being treated like garbage; your customers won’t want anything different. Changing your customer service objectives can go a long…

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Want To Improve Customer Service? Check Your Company Culture

How Internal Transparency Can Transform External Experience You know that customer service is the key to success. Other than constantly shadowing each member of your team, though, you may be stumped for how to guarantee that each individual with whom your business interacts walks away with a glowing experience. Fortunately, though, there is a very…

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Customer Service Is A Must!

As a business owner, customer service should be your prime concern! Here are 4 customer service tips to live by that will greatly increase people’s satisfaction with your business: Incorporate the “Yes” principle! Never tell your customers they can’t have or do something. Offer as many different options before you outright tell a person “no”.…

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