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What Do Jim Irsay and Mark Davis Have In Common?

The ANSWER is here..

Having a world class team is the NUMBER ONE priority in any business.

If you would want more info about the Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™ or my Step by Step Hiring System, Take Action Now.  Call 800-770-9984 or Email [email protected] today and start living life on your own terms.

And remember, Implement, Execute and Take ACTION!

PS  “We don’t build businesses, we build people and people build businesses.”    ~ Zig Ziglar

Why We Do What We Do?

As the new year begins, most people have created their list of resolutions and goals.  It is during this time that it’s critically important to clearly understand  the “WHY” in what we do.  This is a significant factor in knowing where you want to go and culminate this year.

Our team recently had the opportunity to view a video about the “WHY”. It was a video that has caused daily reflection for some time. In fact, so powerful, we felt it would be unfair not to share it with each of you.

The focus is WHY we do what we do, whether it be in business or in life. Below are some of the key points of the talk. We hope these simple, yet important thoughts truly make a difference for you, your family and your business this holiday season:

Why – Why we do what we do – It is our purpose, our cause, our belief system. Why do we get out of bed in the morning or why does an organization exist ?

How – How people do it – your differentiating proposition. The processes by which we do what we do. Does our make “all the difference” for others?

What – What is it that we do? Do we have clarity on our mission?

People aren’t in it because of what you do, they are in it because of why you do it; When the opportunity to connect with people who believe what you believe arises, a common why occurs. It is our hope that everyone will consider the WHY in everything you do and that your true belief will reflect in your efforts, whether it be business or pleasure, family or friend. Every relationship matters.

There is so much to be thankful for–our families and friends, our health, our homes, our daily lives. And there is incredible opportunity going forward in 2012.

Thank you for your support, confidence, your business and friendship!

PS All NEW for 2012…… call 800-770-9984 to find out ALL of the details on WHY you should build the agency to support the life of your dreams. Call 800-770-9984 today!

Where Is Your Revenue Coming From?

I hope this finds you well and consistently implementing!

Today I’m discussing something that I find to be one of the most important systems in ANY business, including insurance agency businesses-Client Segmentation.

In the 1800’s a gentleman by the name of Pareto came up with a principle called the 80/20 rule.  What it means is that in many cases 80 percent of your revenue is generated by the top 20 percent of your existing clients.  I have been in business for a long time, and I have done the math time and time again and have found that this principle is pretty accurate.

  • – So, does your team know who your top clients are?
  • – Are you on the phone with them often?
  • – Do you they get preferential treatment when they call in?

…or is your team spending all of their time on the bottom 20 percent of your clients that are always complaining about something and constantly have problems paying their bills on time?

If so, then it is time to put our Client Segmentation system in place. I warn you – this is NOT an easy task.  It takes a lot of time and effort, preferably done by someone that is highly detail oriented and talented enough to understand the mindset and to go through your entire book of business.

In our ‘Living Agency Laboratory’ we like to think of all of our clients as an ‘A’ client.  This is why our segmentation is by ‘A’ clients, ‘AA’ clients and our top 20 percent, the ‘AAA’ clients.  In our agency, we try to pay extra attention to our AAA clients because let’s face it, we’re not spending enough time with them anyway.  We are too busy catering to the bottom 20 percent which we systematically do our very best to try to fire – meaning release them, send them on their way.

I can’t tell you enough, Client Segmentation is an absolute MUST DO in any business.

  • – Understanding where your clients are coming from, who your most important clients are.
  • – Who are the influential people that are your clients?
  • – Who are the people that if you touched that client would instantly open five more doors?

The opportunities are endless.  Are you ready to take charge of your agency today? Call 800-700-9984 or email me at [email protected].  I’m here and ready to help you Explode Your Profits in 2012!!!

Are YOU Asking?

Conformity- is that YOU? Are you falling prey to conforming and operating like every other agency out there? If that’s the case, then I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing tougher times right now.

BUT, if you are one of the leaders who conforms to profitable and efficient operations-CONGRATULATIONS!

In speaking to groups of agents over the past few years, one thing continues to AMAZE me time after time – AGENTS DON’T ASK!!!
Watch a quick video for an idea to change this bad habit in your agency…

Hope this helps, take consistent action. Good luck!

More Good News… You have NOTHING to lose and everything to gain! Call 800-770-9984 or email [email protected] and Just ASK for your complimentary 29 minute In-Depth, Agency Analysis call with me today! There is ZERO Cost and No-Obligations.

The Conversation Going On About YOUR Agency

If someone asked YOUR client about YOUR agency in a grocery store, how would that conversation go? Would there be much of a conversation? Is there any type of ongoing dialogue with YOUR client except when you want/need more money from them?

What is your very best method of consistent communication with your clients, friend, prospects, and emergency contacts? In our Living Agency Laboratory, its HANDS-DOWN our agency newsletter. It is the most talked about, generates the most referrals and gains us tremendous credibility in the eyes of all who read and talk about our agency.

I received a call recently from a client who shared a story where they were at a charitable fundraiser, talking with someone about insurance. The other party mentioned that they were insured with Stromsoe Insurance Agency, that one of the things they LOVED about the relationship with the agency is the newsletter. The “other party” actually said “it almost seems like Stromsoe Insurance Agency is too good to be true, they are over the top” .

Here’s a quick video with an idea from our ‘Living Agency Laboratory’ that YOU can implement TODAY.

>>>>>>  Newsletter & Monthly Awareness Opportunities (video)

Good luck!

Helping you implement, execute and take action,

Mike Stromsoe, creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
A Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Call 800-770-9984

PS  Just a few of the MEGA benefits of a newsletter

• More referrals
• Grow your existing client base
• Increase retention, adding more instant profit to your bottom line for up to 10 years or more!
• Get your company partners to help you with the cost

PSS  Need MORE proof? Check this out, then scroll down >>>>

What Day Is Yours and Yours Alone?

Everybody’s has one day during the year that’s theirs and theirs alone.  It seems, from a magical standpoint, that nobody can lay a hand on their day. It’s their birthday.

That’s why it’s really important to recognize people on their special day that’s theirs and theirs alone.  It just further cements the emotional relationship that you have with them.  Relationships are really, really important. Money follows trust.

Who do you want them to trust with their insurance relationship? You got it, your agency.

We send out approximately 200 to 250 birthday cards a month.  We use a specific online system for sending birthday cards.  If you’d like to know more about that just ask me about it.  I’ll be happy to share it with you.  It’s personalized.  We can change it up.  We can put photos on it if we want to.  It’s AWESOME!

This is just one more tool you may implement IMMEDIATELY to help transform your agency into a profit producing machine

“The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.”  -Pierre Cornielle

PS A recent conversation with an agent I work with revealed that his agency started calling people on their birthday at the end of each day, each agency team member making 3-6 phone calls, less than one minute to say “Happy Birthday”. Not only was this a HUGE “WOW” for the client, prospect or COI, the agency team member walks out the door feeling great because they just made 3-6 people feel awesome. How much is that “worth” in lifetime value to the client, prospect or COI AND the agency team member AND their family they arrive home in a great mood with a great attitude about what just occurred. We become what we think about.

Top Notch Team Leaders Do This

I hope this finds your week turning out to be an absolute, over the top, off-the-charts win! If not so far, you still have time to turn the tide.

Questions continue to surface on how we organize our team, keep our team together, keep them motivated, keep them moving forward, compensate them at a level that keeps that motivates them, keeps them producing, and so on.  It would be unfair if I did not share some of that information with you today. Here are few snippets for your implementation:

The hands down, number one thing that we do team wise is the weekly team meeting.  It happens every Wednesday morning at 8:29am, and it’s over by 8:59am.  It’s not very long, but I come to the table with an agenda every week, and I bring something of value to the agenda, a meaningful conversation that might be going on in the mind of my marketplace, and in this particular instance, it’s my team members’ marketplace.  I have to understand what they’re going through, what they’re experiencing, and everything associated with it.  If I’m not paying attention to that, then I can’t relate to it.  So this week’s team meeting as an example was talking about success, I discussed what it takes, it was talking about whether there’s really a magic pill that’s going to bring them more opportunities to write more business instantly, among other things, and what I’ve listed below are the items that are on the agenda, and I’ll give you some detail on that as much as I can:

  1. 1. Official opening of the work comp feeding frenzy in our home state is 09-01-2011. (Educate and motivate).
  2. 2. The reading of client report cards that came in recently. This totally motivates the team!
  3. 3. Distribution of pedometers. One of our health carriers sought us out this week because we are writing so much business, the pedometers were one of the gifts (the other was money).
  4. 4. New comparative rater discussion.
  5. 5. Input from team about marketing to a niche marketplaces. We are consistently launching new programs and this month is NO exception.

And at the very end of the meeting, I showed the following video to finish it off.  Now, the reason I showed this video is I want them to be successful and I want them to understand in the mind of the marketplace they are trying to reach, which are our customers and our prospects.

Here’s the Secrets of Success (video) – please watch it closely, 10,000 times if needed!

I hope this helps you, and I hope this helps you communicate effectively with your team.  One other thing that I do consistently is talk to my team…..all of the time.  I talk to them face-to-face, I talk to them via video e-mail, I talk to them by phone, I let them know that I’m always there for them and I’ve got their back 100% of the time, as long as they follow the procedures that we’ve set in place.

Remember to never, ever stop collecting those special moments from your customers and marketplace via video testimonials. Carry that camera everywhere and record the facts as they happen!

Are you ready for SUCCESS?  Never look back again, Call us at 800.770.9984 or Email [email protected]  to schedule Your F*REE 29 Minute, In-Depth Agency Analysis – you won’t be sorry you did, I GUARANTEE IT!

Mike put hundreds od thousands of dollars in my pocket…

The URGENCY of Nurturing Your Herd

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. This saying applies to so many situations – dating, interviews, writing, reading and the list goes on.

First impressions set the tone and are often impossible to reverse. This is true in almost every aspect of life, and it is especially true in email nurturing.  The initial impression of your marketing campaign can make or break the future decisions made by your prospect and/or client and the ongoing relationship you create.  Connecting with (and being CONNECTED) with and nurturing anyone, how do you avoid having the door slammed in your face?  How do you drive real engagement?

By bringing VALUE and sharing the UNEDITED truth about you and your business..… the MORE you give, the will come back to you. Email nurturing is just what it says it is NURTURING, Not Selling.  You want to build the Relationship because when it comes down to it, it’s ALL About The Relationship!!!

It’s amazing how things come back around, when you least expect them.  Our agency recently sent out an email to our existing clients, subject line read Hot Weather Survival… What you need to know…  I received a reply email from one of our clients that said, “Hey Mike, thanks for the great information. By the way, Do you have general liability, property, casualty, etc. for churches – represent Brotherhood Mutual or similar?  I am now treasurer at my church.”

Just goes to show, that helping people –even when there’s nothing in it for you– can lead to great rewards in the future.  Be good to others, share with them and nurture them, can’t think of anything more ‘social’ than that.  Bring your prospects and clients valuable information right when they need it!

IMHO, the ONLY time you should ever approach selling in your nurture email, is on the PS…and is very situational.

The Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™ includes numerous template (‘done for you’) nurture emails for every month of the year and more.  If you would like to take your agency to a whole new level and put truck loads of cash into your bottom line – TAKE ACTION and CALL 800-770-9984 TODAY for Your FREE 29 Minute, In-Depth Agency Analysis.  There’s NO RISK – I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE IT!!!!

Your Marketplace Needs ALL of Your Options ALL of the Time

The more you tell, the more you sell. To reach every nook and cranny of your marketplace with important, meaningful messages, you must use EVERY tool in your arsenal to make sure that your message is received and comprehended by your marketplace…

The next bullet that I’m going to share with you is a form of phone communications. Phone communication can be multiple things, it could be a direct phone call, telemarketing or it could be a voice broadcast.

One of the most effective tools that we have in our arsenal is the use of voice broadcast. And we send a minimum of three to five voice broadcasts a year. The important ones are Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Thanksgiving.

Please click the link below to hear a sample of a voice broadcast message we send out:

Here >>>>

Andrea and I just returned from one of the most amazing marketing events that I have ever attended, with boat loads of ideas that will make our profits sky-rocket!!!  And the best part is you will be the direct beneficiary! We are going to reveal EVERY last detail with YOU…  Are YOU Ready to watch YOUR PROFITS EXPLODE?

If you would like to take charge of your future, call us today. 800-770-9984 or email us at [email protected].

You have 21 days to WOW your clients!

People that buy insurance buy insurance somewhere.  People hope they’re never going to use it.  People spend a lot of money for insurance.  It’s a paper contract that they hope they’re never going to have to use.  But when you change the paradigm and you turn around and recognize them for something they don’t really want to do to make them feel better about their buying decision, it just shifts.  People love to be recognized.  They love to be shown gratitude.  They love to be thanked for spending their hard earned money with you.

When somebody starts their insurance with your agency, they’re a brand new customer.  Now is a GOLDEN opportunity, a unique, one-time 21 day window to truly earn their trust. So, do you immediately take this type of action…

Day 0 Thank You Card. Day 0 means the intention is that you get that thing out immediately.  In our agency we use a customized thank you card with our team picture on the front, blank inside except for a couple of words.  We place some business cards in there of their CSR, and handwrite a note inside thanking them for their business.

Day 4 Welcome Package. This is a large envelope, preprinted on both sides.  It has a lot of neat things printed on the envelope itself.  Safety tips on the back and a big message on the front that says, “Welcome to our agency.”  This is always hand address and inside is four to five systematic pieces of paper messages that are sent to the client.

Day 14 Mega Package. This envelope is Huge and it’s RED!  The intention of this particular envelope is to wow the customer.  Day 14 has just tons of stuff in it.  Now keep in mind they’ve already received the thank you card.  They’ve already received the Day 4 envelope, and they might be thinking to themselves, “Wow this is pretty neat.  This agency really cares about their customers.  They really care about our relationship and I’m feeling pretty good about things right now,” and then Bam… about ten days later comes this huge envelope with all of this cool stuff in it.  It really WOWs their socks off!

Remember, the average lifetime value of a customer is eight to ten years. So take the revenue for that client and multiply it by the number of years.  Is it worth it? I think you’re going to find that it’s a YES!

And that’s not all…….AAA new clients also get the Super Secret “OCT Gift”.

“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”


To get all of the details about HOW you can implement this in your agency TODAY, Call 800-770-9984.


We have 1 more slot open for the month of April. Don’t miss out!


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