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Good News

Hundreds of people that are cared about deeply, respected and are considered lifelong friends have encouraged me many times over to provide this information to as many people as possible. Take a look at the good news below. I hope you can make it. It is going to be the beginning of something GREAT!

Good news


Wishing you continued massive success!

“You can have everything you want if you’ll simply give enough other people what they need”
Zig Ziglar

The Conversation Going On About YOUR Agency

If someone asked YOUR client about YOUR agency in a grocery store, how would that conversation go? Would there be much of a conversation? Is there any type of ongoing dialogue with YOUR client except when you want/need more money from them?

What is your very best method of consistent communication with your clients, friend, prospects, and emergency contacts? In our Living Agency Laboratory, its HANDS-DOWN our agency newsletter. It is the most talked about, generates the most referrals and gains us tremendous credibility in the eyes of all who read and talk about our agency.

I received a call recently from a client who shared a story where they were at a charitable fundraiser, talking with someone about insurance. The other party mentioned that they were insured with Stromsoe Insurance Agency, that one of the things they LOVED about the relationship with the agency is the newsletter. The “other party” actually said “it almost seems like Stromsoe Insurance Agency is too good to be true, they are over the top” .

Here’s a quick video with an idea from our ‘Living Agency Laboratory’ that YOU can implement TODAY.

>>>>>>  Newsletter & Monthly Awareness Opportunities (video)

Good luck!

Helping you implement, execute and take action,

Mike Stromsoe, creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Program™
A Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Call 800-770-9984

PS  Just a few of the MEGA benefits of a newsletter

• More referrals
• Grow your existing client base
• Increase retention, adding more instant profit to your bottom line for up to 10 years or more!
• Get your company partners to help you with the cost

PSS  Need MORE proof? Check this out, then scroll down >>>>

Keep In Touch With Your Customers and Prospects OR Others Will!

Here are the Top 10 Reasons to stay in touch:

1. Most businesses lose 10-17% of their business every year.

2. 62% of your clients aren’t taking advantage of all of your products or services.

3. 91% of our customers say they would give us a referral, but 80% haven’t been encouraged to do so!

4. Simply saying thank you to your customer will increase your business by 17%.

5. You lose 10% of your influence for every month that you don’t have contact with your client.

6. A 5% increase in customer loyalty could yield 20-80% to your bottom line.

7. Studies show that an average prospect won’t do business with you until they’ve seen or heard from you or your message at least 7 times.

8. 79% of all trade show leads aren’t followed up with. Most business from a trade show comes from the vendor following up with the prospect.

9. 66% of your business within the next year will come from your sphere of influence.

10. Only 3% of the mail we receive is personal.

What is working for you?  Why or why not?

As marketers, we test. Are you testing consistently?  Need help?  Respond today, we will be helping you tomorrow.

The Unstoppable Profit Producer Team welcomes questions, comments, or concerns below or if you are ready to change the life of your agency business TODAY CALL 800-770-9984 or Email [email protected] and schedule Your FREE 29 Minute, In-Depth Agency Analysis NOW!

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