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Keep Customers Loyal with These 7 Tips

Find and keep new customers happy with care, consistency, and creativity.

Customers are what makes your business successful, thrive, and grow. To obtain a loyal group of clients that will keep coming back for more services, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Maintain High Standards
    Setting standards and expectations are imperative when creating a business reputation. When the employees know what goals they must meet, the company will run much smoother. If the employee fails, or is unaware the necessity to reach these expectations, the customer will notice. Be sure to stay consistent in order to receive steady, repeat customers!
  • Know Your Strengths
    Be sure to communicate to the guest why the company is great, and why they should continue their business with you. There is a fine line between being modest, and bragging, so be sure to know the difference!
  • Get Regular Feedback
    Most successful companies communicate with their guests to ensure that the opinions, experiences (both negative and positive), and expectations are noted and taken into account. Customers love to be heard, and as they are your bread and butter, be sure to listen to them!
  • Gather Data 
    From surveys, polls, and collected statistics, you can note data, track it, and determine if your company is satisfying employee, customer, and potential guests’ needs.
  • Stay Ahead
    Whether you join Facebook or look into getting a smartphone app, be sure to keep up with the latest technology, newest demand, and most effective ways to advertise. Social media is a productive way to promote the business, gather new clients, and communicate with existing customers.
  • Make It Affordable and Valuable
    Running a business means catering to one of the quickest growing consumers: Millennials. For them, you will have to make sure that they feel like they’re getting a lot for the price, while maintaining a substantial profit for your company.

Be sure to contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program to find out the best ways to keep customers, satisfy demands, and make your business thrive! Be sure to attend the “Leave No Regrets” boot camp in San Diego, CA, to learn how to work less, make more, and enjoy life! Boost your business today!

5 Myths About Starting a Business

Get a head start on driving your business to success by not following these myths.

When starting a business, know the myths to focus your energy on building and supporting your company. Due to improper planning, wrong moves, and believing myths, many entrepreneurs are not thriving like they should be.

Myth No. 1: You must know everything about business
Be sure to know that a successful business solves problems. This means that they make mistakes! Knowledge from books along with experience creates the perfect combination to understand the industry.

Myth No. 2: You need to wait until the right time to start
Starting a business is never going to be the right time. Even though many people can advise you to postpone, as long as you have passionate cofounders, the right resources, and are willing to work hard, now is the right time to start!

Myth No. 3: You need a lot of money to get started
It is possible to start a business with little or no capital in many ways. A crowd-funding experience attracts a global audience, as well as potential clients. Sell services instead of products to get started!

Myth No. 4: You need to spend money to make money
Many entrepreneurs have turned their ideas into profitable business without relying on a large marketing budget. You can have a successful marketing campaign by knowing your brand extremely well and talking to the right people!

Myth No. 5: You have to promise nothing but deliver much
To set the bar low right at the start may not be proactive for the business. Instead, give the customers the very best products and services right from the get go. This will keep customers returning once they recognize the quality and overall experience.

Be sure to recognize the myths so that you can lift your business up to it’s potential! At Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program, we help you produce a wealth creation program that will provide revolutionary results. To learn to rise above the competition and achieve success, join us at the “Leave No Regrets” boot camp in San Diego, CA.

Does Your Team Stand Out When ALL of the Chips Are On The Line?

Our claims service report series is one of our most requested by agents… what the heck is a claims service report?

Claims service reports are a custom document that we sent out to our customers a certain number of days after a claim occurs, because in our agency, we monitor all claims activity.  We don’t wait for the document or the notification to come in; we go out and get it.  We proactively hunt for it on carrier websites, we look at things that come in, and once we see that we proactively contact our clients, and make sure the claims process gets started.  In addition to that, we talk to them about the claims process, and make sure the companies are standing up to their end of the bargain and are taking care of our customers in the manner that they should be taken care of.  We really feel good about that.  At the end of the process, we send them out a claims service report, and we ask for feedback on how the claim went.  Our claims service report have a lot of different questions on them, which kind of lead up to the final question, which is, “Tell us about your claims experience,” and those claims service reports just time after time bring great feedback, and a lot of the responses are GREAT testimonials.  “Thank you, your agency just took great care of us.  We appreciate you being there for us always,” so forth and so on.  So keep in mind that that also is a positive emotional situation.  In other words, it’s not anything negative, it’s positive, and they’re feeling good about the situation.  We also forward all claims service reports to the carriers, good and bad. Carrier claims reps need to hear the good reports too. Our carriers LOVE this. We also market to the CLAIMANTS. You got it. If we are provided a name and contact information, we start a separate campaign to the CLAIMANTS. Here’s a situation that happened just last night:

I was in the office and it was late, a client walked in, I said, “Hey, how can I help you?”  And he goes, “Something great happened, and I just had to come by and tell you guys, and in addition to that I want to find my agent, because I feel like I want to give him a hug.  I’m that jazzed about the claims experience I just had” and I said, “Tell me more,” and he told me about the situation.  What had happened was, the agent in our office had gone the extra mile.  He had gone way out of his way to help him out, to make sure that a situation was resolved.  It was a situation we didn’t make any money on, but he went the extra mile anyway, and got the situation resolved for our customer, and our customer was, so happy they couldn’t stand it, so they drove down here to tell him.  And that particular agent was on the phone, so it was a great opportunity, that positive emotional situation was at its very highest at that point.  So, fortunately, we were in an area of the office which is right near our marketing room, and our marketing gal, who’s always on it, she just kind of handed me the camera, and I didn’t even have to think about it.  So I said, “Mr. Client, would you mind if we helped other people with just a few words about what just happened to you?”  And he said, “Yeah, no problem, what do you need me to do.”  I said, “I’d just like to record how you were taken care of by our agent, so I can share this with other people who might ask about our services.”  He said, “I’d be happy to.”  And right there on the spot, full of emotion, he recorded the testimonial.  So, that’s a perfect example of a positive emotional situation, which is the time that you always want to ask for a testimonial, because that’s when you’re going to get your very best testimonials.

Always be taking care of your customers! “No one cares how much you know until they know you care.”

Tips For Learning Skills Faster

Pick Up Skills More Quickly With This Guide

Do you ever feel like you have a hard time keeping up in today’s business world? As we move further into the technology age, things are changing faster than ever before. To succeed, you need to stay on the cutting edge (or at least not too far behind it). How do you do that with limited time, though?

To help you learn new skills faster so you can succeed in the modern business world, use these tips.

  • Give Yourself Tools: Sure, the free class might be cost-effective, but it likely is not the most effective. Get yourself the best equipment and resources your budget will allow. Oftentimes, the tools make all the difference.
  • Go Digital: Just because you do not have time to drive to your colleagues office who already has this skill does not mean you two cannot connect. Use videoconferencing to get immediate access to people who can help you learn this new skill even if they are not in the same location as you.
  • Let Pride Go: Learning a new skill is challenging and can even be a little scary. Kiss your ego goodbye and let yourself make a mess as you learn this new skill. By worrying about how you look, you will hold yourself back and slow yourself down.
  • Go Deep: You are not going to pick up very much if you do 10 minutes a day for four weeks. You may, however, be able to take those 280 minutes and use them for an immersive session that will help you learn. Expose yourself to the new skill as deeply and frequently as possible to learn faster.

Now that you have these tips, you can learn more quickly but what, exactly, should you learn? To connect with business experts who can guide your growth so you can see the most success this year, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. You will not want to miss our premier wealth creation program that can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Your Gosh Attitude

Each of the last 5 years, the legs have become stronger, the apprehension of the next 14% grade hill has dissipated, the Unstoppable confidence continues to grow that no distance on a bike is too far and there is no hill that is off limits. And the results don’t lie. A Century (100 miles or 161 kilometers) is now finished in less than 6 hours in most cases. All of these accomplishments involve my outside of business passion – road bicycling. It didn’t used to be that way.

As I recently peddled recently through the hills, canyons and the peaceful back roads covered by oak trees not far from our home, I thought about some people I had met the day before, about their business and their lives. They mentioned on multiple occasions how they hoped this would happen and wished that would occur. As I continued to ride and pondered the conversations of the prior day, my study of a few days before that quickly redirected my focus to that of people who are truly making a difference because they are in control of their destiny. Recalling the story of a particular study about the “Gosh Attitude” caused me to take a deep breath, stand up and peddle until the adrenalin rush was at an acceptable level.

The Gosh Attitude was born by the immigrants of the early 1900’s. When they arrived in the new land, every day when they woke up, they uttered “gosh, I’m lucky to have this opportunity in front of me”. Every day, they put forth a relentless effort toward a goal they had never known. Soon many began to experience accomplishments at unprecedented levels. How many times have you heard a story about someone who came to a new country with no money and created a top-notch, multi-million dollar or more company? So what is our excuse? Complacency? Because we already have it so good, we don’t need to work hard for the desired results?

Friends, the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary. There is no magic pill. I can’t tell you how many people contact us and want to know how long it’s going to take to grow 15% or more using our system. Simple answer – are you willing to work hard and do what it takes, knowing there will be pain, failure, a change of your comfort zone with an unknown destiny date?

Pain, failure, a change of your comfort zone with an unknown destiny date-business and my bicycle has a lot in common. Guess that’s WHY my passion consistently flows at a high level for both while never being satisfied with any accomplishment. The study of the “Gosh Attitude” also revealed another keeper- “you can have anything you want if you’ll help enough people get what they want”.

As I crossed the last intersection heading for home, the sun was now prominent, another glorious day filled with opportunity in front of me. The thought of my goals made me peddle my bike with everything I had. I knew all I had to do was get to my Planning Your Plan sheet and implement, execute and take action. The good news, you have the very same opportunity every single day. There is only one thing between you and the future of your dreams – ACTION

To Your Success,


Mike Stromsoe

The Unstoppable Profit Producer

PS   Lancaster, CA Agent Gets the Tools He Needs To Double His Business:

“If Mike took 27 years to do what he’s done to pay it forward to us and he’s made it available to us, it won’t take 27 years.  My goal is to doubling the value of my agency and I want to do it in 3 years.   I had no idea how I was going to do it, now I might be able to double it in one year.  I won’t leave it at that though because I’m greedy and I wouldn’t mind it being triple the size it is instead of double.  Would I recommend UPP ?  Oh my gosh don’t miss it!!“
Bob Finberg – President of Lancaster Insurance Services, Lancaster, CA

PPS  If you are ready to completely transform your business and your life to make this Your Best Year Ever – you need to join us November 5th & 6th in beautiful San Diego, CA!  This event is designed to give you every tool you need to double, triple and even quadruple your bottom line, if you are willing to take ACTION!!!

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Integrating Video Into Your Marketing Strategy

Leverage Video For Great Marketing

The internet is changing the way we live, and now the internet itself is changing. By 2017, it is estimated that 74 percent of internet traffic will be video. It is not particularly surprising; today, videos are shared 1200% more than text and links combined! If you are not capitalizing on the video age, you are missing out.

Want more proof? Landing pages that had video resulted in a conversion rate that is 8 times higher than those without video! Perhaps that is because viewers walk away retaining 95 percent of what they see in a video, while readers only remember 10 percent of what they read.

To help you capitalize on the power of video, here are just a few tips for integrating video into your marketing strategy.

  • Facebook: Did you know that you can add a video to your “About” section? People are much more likely to watch a quick clip than they are to read a wall of text, so make sure you use this feature. Include your domain in the description of the video to encourage click-through.
  • Twitter: Tweet with video! Although at first Twitter may not seem like the most obvious place for video, tweets with video are actually retweeted 28% more frequently.
  • LinkedIn: Adding video to your summary section is a great way to let visitors to your page know about your products and services without coming across like you are pitching your business.

If you would like guidance from the experts on the best way to leverage video for your business, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. We are here to help you succeed in the digital age, and we offer a premier wealth creation program that can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Easy Tips To Lower Your Business Travel Costs

How To Cut Costs On The Road

Business travel is an essential part of building your business. When you have the opportunity to meet with your clients and potential leads face to face, you can make a much more impactful connection than you would over email, phone, or even with videoconferencing.

While you know business travel is important, you likely also know that it is expensive. Here are a few tips for discovering low cost business travel to keep your budgets balanced even as you make meaningful connections with clients.

  • Love Lunch: If you have ever looked at your business expenses while you travel, you have probably realized that dining out accounts for a significant portion of your cost. The good news is that lunch is generally more affordable than dinner, so by making lunch your main meal of the day and opting for a smaller dinner, you can cut costs.
  • Test Travel Options: Cabs are pricey. Why not try rideshare apps like Uber or Lyft to help you get a more affordable ride? These apps are easily downloaded to your smartphone and you can call a ride with just a couple clicks. Easier and cheaper, this is a win-win.
  • Pack Like A Pro: Checking a bag is unfortunately expensive. The good news is you can skip this too-high cost by packing in your carry on. Roll clothes, wear your bulkiest pieces on to the flight, and get travel-sized everything in order to easily fit everything you need in this smaller space. Bonus: No more waiting at baggage claim!

Want to learn more about how to affordably take your business to the next level? Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program today! As business experts, we stand ready to help your professional ventures succeed. Our premier wealth creation program can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Should Your Business Create A Mobile App?

The Business Benefits Of A Mobile App

In our digital age, people are seldom found without their smartphones. In fact, around half of web page visits are coming from mobile devices! That means you should either fine-tune your webpage for mobile visits or consider creating a mobile app. Here are a few ways having a mobile app for your business could offer you a boost.

  • Marketing: If you design an app that encourages its users to activate push notifications, you create another channel for you to put promotional opportunities, helpful information, and other marketing tactics at your customers’ fingertips. Simply having your icon on their phone helps you stay top-of-mind for your customers, and showing potential customers that you have a mobile app shows that your business is advancing with the modern age.
  • Networking: Not only does your mobile app create an opportunity for you to connect with your customers, it also enables your customers to connect with one another. If you offer a social networking forum within your app, you can create an entire network into which you can invite prospective customers.
  • Service: If your customer downloads your app, it means he or she is very interested in your business. With an app, you not only keep him or her interested but you also have a platform upon which you can build a relationship. Offer your customers specials and resources over your app, and you make great service only a click away.

If you would like to talk to an expert about whether or not you should create a mobile app for your business, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. We are here to come alongside you and your business and help you realize success in our modern era. Plus, we will offer you our premier wealth creation program that can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

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