Are You Fishing for The First P?

Locating the candidate pool or “pond” where you are going to fish for your new team members can at times be a frustrating task. We’ve used all of these sources listed below in some combination to find new team members and agents. There is never a time in your business when you should limit the…

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Giving Back & How Your Company Can Benefit

Our society rewards entrepreneurs who give to those that are less privileged than themselves.  There are some great rewards that come from giving to charities and to the less fortunate. This exchange is a huge part of the free market philosophy and has led to much opulence. Successful business people are generally well rewarded for…

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Tips on How to Cross-Sell More Insurance to Clients

Cross-selling insurance is no easy task because people usually want to buy the least amount of insurance as possible for the cheapest price.  There may be times when cross-sales fall right into your lap without you having to lift a finger. Ah, if only it were that easy all the time. Most of the time,…

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March 3, 2017 is National Employee Appreciation Day

As an employer, it is your job to make sure that the morale of your employees stay as high as possible in order to get the most out of them. National Employee Day is a day in which employers should really consider taking time to show their appreciation to their employees. It’s a good idea…

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Make Your Insurance Quotes Stand Out

People are interesting creatures that make decisions based on a number of external and internal factors. Is there a way to influence these factors in your favor? In an ideal world, customers would get an insurance quote from you and only you. But as you know by now, “ideal” is one of the last words you…

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The Disciplines of Successful Marketing Leaders

Great marketing leaders all share common qualities that help them thrive in the marketing business.  We all have 24 hours in the day.  It’s how you use these hours that determines your success. Marketing leaders, too, have 24 hours and use their hours wisely to increase their marketing and put their brand above the rest.…

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8 Unprofessional Work Habits to Stop Today

Keep your business habits professional. Unprofessional habits are seen during day-to-day operations by colleagues, superiors, and even clients. While you may not realize that you have some bad habits to break, it’s worth reflecting to notice if you need a refreshed mindset. Today, evaluate if you have any of these habits and find ways to move them…

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California’s Updated Paid Sick Leave Law

Your business’s update on the new paid sick leave laws in California. The California paid sick leave law, named the Healthy Workplace, Healthy Families Act, took effect July 1, 2015. It’s designed to promote a healthy workplace, reduce employee turnover, and increase productivity in the workforce. Update your business by knowing the ins-and-outs of the…

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Tips For Generating Business With LinkedIn

Want to get more business out of LinkedIn? Read this! Nearly three out of every four marketers use LinkedIn, and one out of every five say it’s the absolute most important form of social media they use. Does this surprise you? Lots of people see LinkedIn as a means to, well, link in with their…

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