Integrating Video Into Your Marketing Strategy
Leverage Video For Great Marketing
The internet is changing the way we live, and now the internet itself is changing. By 2017, it is estimated that 74 percent of internet traffic will be video. It is not particularly surprising; today, videos are shared 1200% more than text and links combined! If you are not capitalizing on the video age, you are missing out.
Want more proof? Landing pages that had video resulted in a conversion rate that is 8 times higher than those without video! Perhaps that is because viewers walk away retaining 95 percent of what they see in a video, while readers only remember 10 percent of what they read.
To help you capitalize on the power of video, here are just a few tips for integrating video into your marketing strategy.
- Facebook: Did you know that you can add a video to your “About” section? People are much more likely to watch a quick clip than they are to read a wall of text, so make sure you use this feature. Include your domain in the description of the video to encourage click-through.
- Twitter: Tweet with video! Although at first Twitter may not seem like the most obvious place for video, tweets with video are actually retweeted 28% more frequently.
- LinkedIn: Adding video to your summary section is a great way to let visitors to your page know about your products and services without coming across like you are pitching your business.
If you would like guidance from the experts on the best way to leverage video for your business, contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. We are here to help you succeed in the digital age, and we offer a premier wealth creation program that can help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!