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There’s NO time like the present… Time Management

Time… It can be hurtful.  But, in all seriousness, time is something that certainly can be controlled, and it is something that you MUST control.

One of the things we’ve identified in our studies is, everybody’s got the same 24 hours.  It’s not like somebody has an advantage over somebody else.  We’ve all got the same 24 hours, and the last time I checked, we all need sleep, and we all need to have downtime, and frankly time is another four letter word.

HOW are you controlling your time right now? 

You need to identify this, it’s tedious and meticulous, and it’s a pretty uncomfortable process.  It involves sitting down daily for a couple of days and writing down everything that you do.

It’s good to identify the things that you do well, and to spend the majority of your time doing the things that you do well, because that’s where you’re going to get your biggest bang for your buck.

It’s not easy, but once you get it under control… imagine when you walk down the hall and you have a little extra air under your step.  This can happen to YOU!

Your business life will be better, which will in turn make your personal life better, which will in turn allow you to be just better at everything you do.  You can give back to your community more, and it’s just a much more pleasant experience.

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”  –Joseph Heller

What are you waiting for?

To get all of the details about HOW You Can Take Total CONTROL of Your Time TODAY, call 800-770-9984.

Keep In Touch With Your Customers and Prospects OR Others Will!

Here are the Top 10 Reasons to stay in touch:

1. Most businesses lose 10-17% of their business every year.

2. 62% of your clients aren’t taking advantage of all of your products or services.

3. 91% of our customers say they would give us a referral, but 80% haven’t been encouraged to do so!

4. Simply saying thank you to your customer will increase your business by 17%.

5. You lose 10% of your influence for every month that you don’t have contact with your client.

6. A 5% increase in customer loyalty could yield 20-80% to your bottom line.

7. Studies show that an average prospect won’t do business with you until they’ve seen or heard from you or your message at least 7 times.

8. 79% of all trade show leads aren’t followed up with. Most business from a trade show comes from the vendor following up with the prospect.

9. 66% of your business within the next year will come from your sphere of influence.

10. Only 3% of the mail we receive is personal.

What is working for you?  Why or why not?

As marketers, we test. Are you testing consistently?  Need help?  Respond today, we will be helping you tomorrow.

The Unstoppable Profit Producer Team welcomes questions, comments, or concerns below or if you are ready to change the life of your agency business TODAY CALL 800-770-9984 or Email [email protected] and schedule Your FREE 29 Minute, In-Depth Agency Analysis NOW!

Are You ON It or IN It?

Happy Friday!

What a mountain of opportunity we have in front of us today…. and every day! It is our absolute hope that you are taking advantage of each window that opens before you.

Which leads to this thought process – When do you work ON your business? Do you set a weekly goal with a minimum number of hours that you will commit to work ON your agency business? And when you work ON your agency business, are physically in the office? Do you include “key team members” ? Does your planning always contribute to your overall agency goals?

We call this time working ON our business “Chunka-Time”. Chunks of time planning your success.

Our challenge to you today is to set a weekly goal with a minimum of ONE hour to work ON your business. Not IN it.

Good luck!!!

Not sure what to focus on first? We can help. We have a list of 69 PROVEN Bullets from our own “living agency laboratory” ready to you to implement. Never look back again, call us today – 800.770.9984

Make a difference, Be Unstoppable, Leave No Regrets

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade-Tip #4-Plan Thoroughly

Here’s detailed information about Tip #4 to start your year and decade off in a BIG way

I plan to help you in any way possible to more profits and to experience more of the life that you have earned.

Having trouble viewing this video – Click Here.

Let me know what you have ” planned thoroughly

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade – Tip #3

As so well taught by Earl Nightengale, you are what you think about . So far in 2010, I have been thinking about:

1. Being decisive
2. Staying focused

The results have been amazing! We are on fire in all phases! Please join me at, let us know how we can help you. Here’s tip #3 to start your decade with massive results:

Having trouble viewing this video – Click Here

Please comment and let us know what is working for you so far. Additional tip – What gets written down gets done!

What You Write Down Gets Done

Isn’t it funny how scribbling a few things down on a sticky note will make you feel more organized.

It’s as if just making a simple list is that first little step to getting things in order. But then look at that, you’re so disorganized, you lose your list. Or you have four separate lists going on at once, and you need a list of all your lists. Well, it turns out that even the organizational task of making a list needs a little organization. For example, a better list means, 1) keeping the right lists, 2) knowing when to make a list, 3) knowing what to keep a list of, and 4) getting help crossing things off your list.

 “Scattered Brain can equal Scattered Lists.”

‘There’s nothing as frustrating, or as easy, than losing a ‘To Do’ list. You always forget something the second time around, and it’s usually the reason you started the list in the first in the first place. To avoid this annoyance, keep your lists in one notebook or binder, so they’re not scattered, and more importantly, you’re not scattered. A pre-organized book helps you keep track of all the different ‘To Do’s’ that need to get done, all in the same convenient place.’

 “Help Them Help You”

One reason your ‘To Do’ lists may be so long is that you’re simply taking on too many tasks. A great way to cross items off is to simply ask others to do them. Granted, there are certain things that only you can accomplish, so don’t ask people to help do things that you’ll just have to go back and re-do. Instead, choose tasks that others either could do easily, or tasks they should be doing themselves anyway.

Alright, one more list of ways to make a better list.

#1. Regularity
The scattered feeling that accompanies the dozens of free-floating lists you make can be solved by a little organizational regularity. That means establishing a pattern for how often you make your lists, (daily/weekly), where you keep your list (notebook, legal pad, binder), and the time and place you write your list (Sunday night, Monday morning, etc.). Knowing when/where/and what of your lists will help keep them centralized.

#2. Follow the 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule states that in any pursuit, if you take care of a few important things (20%), you will solve 80% of your problem. So, when making your ‘To Do’ lists, highlight the top three most important things to do each day/week. You’ll find that by getting these done, you’ll get a better sense of the true importance of the rest of the items on your list, which you can then tackle as needed.

#3. Delegate
When you make your master ‘To Do’ list, there’s a tendency to take on the needs of the whole household. Fortunately for you, there is that whole household ready and (with some help) willing to take on some ‘To Do’s’ themselves. It is important not just to delegate different tasks to others, but also to keep track of what exactly was delegated.

These tips are only the beginning. The Unstoppable Profit Producer program provides every tool needed to make “getting things done” a reality in your life and in the lives of your family. To get started today, implement, execute and take action and join us at

Chunka Time

Thanks to insurance counsler and agent Scott Marquart of Escondido, CA for this question – ” I need helping scheduling my day”.

Scott, we have all been there and those who are honest still fall back into this quandry from time to time. Having been through many time optimization and time management theories, here’s a couple of simple tips that work wonders:

1. Simply sit down and plan your week before it starts. Figure out when the planning works best for YOU – the Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning before the coming week. Write it down, just brain sprint all of the things you need to get done for the coming week
2. Go back and circle your highest priority items
3. For those highest priority items (these should also be tasks that more quickly advance your personal or professional life), it is a good idea to set aside “chunks of time”. In many cases, it is best to perform these tasks away from the office or in a quiet, secluded area, in a location where you can focus and think clearly. This might be a home office, the office of a friend or colleague or even the library. You decide what works best for you
4. If possible, delegate as many items as possible from this list to someone else
5. If you struggle, find an accountability partner to keep you on task each week. Accountability partners are great as both parties normally benefit from this exercise

In the words of Winston Churchill “the war was not won with the plan, it was won with the planning

Also, turn off your phone and leave email alone during this time.

Good luck, let us know about your massive success!

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