There’s NO time like the present… Time Management

Time… It can be hurtful.  But, in all seriousness, time is something that certainly can be controlled, and it is something that you MUST control. One of the things we’ve identified in our studies is, everybody’s got the same 24 hours.  It’s not like somebody has an advantage over somebody else.  We’ve all got the…

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Are You ON It or IN It?

Happy Friday! What a mountain of opportunity we have in front of us today…. and every day! It is our absolute hope that you are taking advantage of each window that opens before you. Which leads to this thought process – When do you work ON your business? Do you set a weekly goal with…

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Chunka Time

Thanks to insurance counsler and agent Scott Marquart of Escondido, CA for this question – ” I need helping scheduling my day”. Scott, we have all been there and those who are honest still fall back into this quandry from time to time. Having been through many time optimization and time management theories, here’s a…

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