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Are YOU Asking?

Conformity- is that YOU? Are you falling prey to conforming and operating like every other agency out there? If that’s the case, then I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing tougher times right now.

BUT, if you are one of the leaders who conforms to profitable and efficient operations-CONGRATULATIONS!

In speaking to groups of agents over the past few years, one thing continues to AMAZE me time after time – AGENTS DON’T ASK!!!
Watch a quick video for an idea to change this bad habit in your agency…

Hope this helps, take consistent action. Good luck!

More Good News… You have NOTHING to lose and everything to gain! Call 800-770-9984 or email [email protected] and Just ASK for your complimentary 29 minute In-Depth, Agency Analysis call with me today! There is ZERO Cost and No-Obligations.

Top Notch Team Leaders Do This

I hope this finds your week turning out to be an absolute, over the top, off-the-charts win! If not so far, you still have time to turn the tide.

Questions continue to surface on how we organize our team, keep our team together, keep them motivated, keep them moving forward, compensate them at a level that keeps that motivates them, keeps them producing, and so on.  It would be unfair if I did not share some of that information with you today. Here are few snippets for your implementation:

The hands down, number one thing that we do team wise is the weekly team meeting.  It happens every Wednesday morning at 8:29am, and it’s over by 8:59am.  It’s not very long, but I come to the table with an agenda every week, and I bring something of value to the agenda, a meaningful conversation that might be going on in the mind of my marketplace, and in this particular instance, it’s my team members’ marketplace.  I have to understand what they’re going through, what they’re experiencing, and everything associated with it.  If I’m not paying attention to that, then I can’t relate to it.  So this week’s team meeting as an example was talking about success, I discussed what it takes, it was talking about whether there’s really a magic pill that’s going to bring them more opportunities to write more business instantly, among other things, and what I’ve listed below are the items that are on the agenda, and I’ll give you some detail on that as much as I can:

  1. 1. Official opening of the work comp feeding frenzy in our home state is 09-01-2011. (Educate and motivate).
  2. 2. The reading of client report cards that came in recently. This totally motivates the team!
  3. 3. Distribution of pedometers. One of our health carriers sought us out this week because we are writing so much business, the pedometers were one of the gifts (the other was money).
  4. 4. New comparative rater discussion.
  5. 5. Input from team about marketing to a niche marketplaces. We are consistently launching new programs and this month is NO exception.

And at the very end of the meeting, I showed the following video to finish it off.  Now, the reason I showed this video is I want them to be successful and I want them to understand in the mind of the marketplace they are trying to reach, which are our customers and our prospects.

Here’s the Secrets of Success (video) – please watch it closely, 10,000 times if needed!

I hope this helps you, and I hope this helps you communicate effectively with your team.  One other thing that I do consistently is talk to my team…..all of the time.  I talk to them face-to-face, I talk to them via video e-mail, I talk to them by phone, I let them know that I’m always there for them and I’ve got their back 100% of the time, as long as they follow the procedures that we’ve set in place.

Remember to never, ever stop collecting those special moments from your customers and marketplace via video testimonials. Carry that camera everywhere and record the facts as they happen!

Are you ready for SUCCESS?  Never look back again, Call us at 800.770.9984 or Email [email protected]  to schedule Your F*REE 29 Minute, In-Depth Agency Analysis – you won’t be sorry you did, I GUARANTEE IT!

Mike put hundreds od thousands of dollars in my pocket…

There’s NO time like the present… Time Management

Time… It can be hurtful.  But, in all seriousness, time is something that certainly can be controlled, and it is something that you MUST control.

One of the things we’ve identified in our studies is, everybody’s got the same 24 hours.  It’s not like somebody has an advantage over somebody else.  We’ve all got the same 24 hours, and the last time I checked, we all need sleep, and we all need to have downtime, and frankly time is another four letter word.

HOW are you controlling your time right now? 

You need to identify this, it’s tedious and meticulous, and it’s a pretty uncomfortable process.  It involves sitting down daily for a couple of days and writing down everything that you do.

It’s good to identify the things that you do well, and to spend the majority of your time doing the things that you do well, because that’s where you’re going to get your biggest bang for your buck.

It’s not easy, but once you get it under control… imagine when you walk down the hall and you have a little extra air under your step.  This can happen to YOU!

Your business life will be better, which will in turn make your personal life better, which will in turn allow you to be just better at everything you do.  You can give back to your community more, and it’s just a much more pleasant experience.

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”  –Joseph Heller

What are you waiting for?

To get all of the details about HOW You Can Take Total CONTROL of Your Time TODAY, call 800-770-9984.

Are You ON It or IN It?

Happy Friday!

What a mountain of opportunity we have in front of us today…. and every day! It is our absolute hope that you are taking advantage of each window that opens before you.

Which leads to this thought process – When do you work ON your business? Do you set a weekly goal with a minimum number of hours that you will commit to work ON your agency business? And when you work ON your agency business, are physically in the office? Do you include “key team members” ? Does your planning always contribute to your overall agency goals?

We call this time working ON our business “Chunka-Time”. Chunks of time planning your success.

Our challenge to you today is to set a weekly goal with a minimum of ONE hour to work ON your business. Not IN it.

Good luck!!!

Not sure what to focus on first? We can help. We have a list of 69 PROVEN Bullets from our own “living agency laboratory” ready to you to implement. Never look back again, call us today – 800.770.9984

Make a difference, Be Unstoppable, Leave No Regrets

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade-Tip #9 Reward Yourself

A funny thing happens on the way to success: You build integrity, character, heart, discipline, and a hiost of other intrinsic benefits that add credence to the old saying, “The Journey is it’s Own Reward”

Click below for Tip#9 to start your decade:

Having trouble viewing this video – Click Here.

You get what you reward. Be clear about what you want to get and systematically reward it.

Leave a reply and let us know about your rewards program.

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade-Tip #8 Inspect What You Expect

Change is inevitable-Growth is optional. Change knocks the wind out of all good plans. Unless performance is reviewed regularly, growth becomes stunted.

How often do you “Inspect What You Expect“?

Inspection has a dual purpose:

First, Inspection tells you where you are
Second, Inspection tells you how you are doing

Here’s Tip#8 to Start Your Decade:

Having trouble viewing this video – Click Here.

Remember, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

Let us know how you are doing with your inspections.

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade-Tip #6 Welcome Failure

The dreaded “F” word-failure-is so important yet so misunderstood. The key to understanding how to succeed rests on knowing a thing or two about the importance of failure.

The Tips we have learned so far are:

1. Being decisive
2. Staying focused
3. Write your goals
4. Plan thoroughly
5. Involve others

What are you implementing today?

Please join me at, let us know how we can help you. Here’s tip#6 to start your decade with massive results:

If you are having trouble viewing this video – Click Here.

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade-Tip #5 Involve Others

Success leaves clues and here’s an important one: no matter who you are, where you live, what your goal is, somebody has already been there and done that.

So far in 2010, our first 4 tips are:

1. Being decisive
2. Staying focused
3. Write your goals
4. Plan thoroughly

The results have been amazing! We are on fire in all phases! Please join me at, let us know how we can help you. Here’s tip #5 to start your decade with massive results:

If you are having trouble viewing this video – Click Here.

Tell us how you involve others today!

Mike’s 10 Tips To Start Your Decade – Tip #3

As so well taught by Earl Nightengale, you are what you think about . So far in 2010, I have been thinking about:

1. Being decisive
2. Staying focused

The results have been amazing! We are on fire in all phases! Please join me at, let us know how we can help you. Here’s tip #3 to start your decade with massive results:

Having trouble viewing this video – Click Here

Please comment and let us know what is working for you so far. Additional tip – What gets written down gets done!

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