New To Networking? Use These Tips

Use This Guide To Yield More Fruit From Your Networking Labor

Does just hearing the word “networking” make your heart race and your palms sweat? If you are an entrepreneur and an introvert, you may feel you are caught between a rock and a hard place as you need to network to grow your business but have a hard time meeting new people. Take a little networking advice from the pros, however, and you may find you actually enjoy the process.

  • Rethink It: Try thinking of meeting new people in your industry as connecting, rather than networking. Taking off the professional pressure and infusing it with an opportunity to genuinely engage with another person can help make it feel more bearable.
  • Use Available Tools: If you are at a networking event, ask for a guide at the sign in table. Simply say, “Is there someone who can help me meet people in my industry?” Most times, there is an ambassador whose job it is to help newcomers get connected, and he or she can help you link up with the right people right away.
  • Be Slow To Speak: People like to talk about themselves. You will not only give a great first impression by asking questions and listening more than you blab about yourself, but you will take some of the pressure of carrying the conversation off of yourself by welcoming the other person to speak openly about his or herself.

Fortunately, the success of your business does not have to hinge entirely on your ability to network. Contact the team at Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program to learn more about our premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life! We have the tools you need for business success in 2015.

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