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Six Tips For A Happier Workplace

We are all in search of a happier workplace. Business owners who create a better work atmosphere have higher employee retention and a more productive workforce. Here are some six keys to creating, and keeping, a better atmosphere at the office.

  • Share company goals and solicit employee input on how to reach them.
  • Let them know how reaching those goals will positively affect them.
  • Work on team-building. Volunteer as a group for a community activity and schedule a monthly lunch together. Actively encourage conversation and involve everyone.
  • Help your employees get better by providing learning materials and through constructive criticism. Catch them doing things right!
  • Have at least a small incentive program in place. A better parking spot, an hour off early on a Friday, and even recognition on your website can work wonders.
  • Be genuinely grateful individually with each of them. This gratitude can go a long way.

Are you ready to increase your profits? Learn more about Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer ProgramContact us today for details.

Dealing With an Unhappy Customer

We all want happy customers who heartily recommend our services to others. The reality is however, even the best operated businesses have to deal with difficult customers. Customer relations are a crucial part of any business operation. Here are some tips in dealing with difficult customers.

  • Change your attitude. Rather than going into the conversation wondering what’s wrong with the customer, or why they are so unreasonable, take a breath. Accept the fact that at this moment, they are dissatisfied. Focus on how you can change that.
  • Listen. I mean REALLY listen. You might begin by saying something like “Tell me your story from the beginning.”
  • As you listen, you will be able to repeat their concerns. “So, you were on hold ten minutes?” Not only does this acknowledge the customers’ concerns but shows you were listening. It can bring down the anger.
  • Show empathy, recognize their feelings and move on. “I can understand your frustration, 10 minutes is far too long to be on hold. Our representative should at least have checked in with you. I apologize for that.”
  • Offer a resolution. If the customer doesn’t seem to like your resolution, let them offer one.

Of course you will want to follow up on this customer as an additional sign of concern.

Everyone will have the occasional disgruntled customer. It is your frame of mind in dealing with them that can make all the difference.

Learn more about Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for insurance companies. Contact us today and watch your profits soar!

Enhance Your Business Success–Help Your Employees Do their Very Best

If you want a productive and profitable workplace, you’ll need productive employees. Here are a few tips on bringing out the best in your employees:


There is a lot of research out there that supports the belief that employees that are trusted with freedom within the workplace are more productive and more ambitious. By giving employees freedom, you show them that you trust their character and you view them as competent. Employee retention rates are higher when employers give their employees autonomy.   

Support and Guide Them

Rather than giving step by step instructions, guide them through the processes and support them as they do this on their own. If you believe they are going to do their best, they will likely feel like they can come to you for support and help rather than being fearful.  

Let them in on the Plans

Employees who feel they are part of a team or are more involved, are more productive. Tell them what the long and short term goals for the company are. Ask for suggestions on how to get there (and actually consider or use them). If the employees understand and value the ultimate goal, they will do the work to get there. 

Along with these wonderful tips, be sure to contact Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. This program can lead your insurance agency to success. 

How to work smarter, not harder

Some people may think that the harder they work, the more they will achieve. While this may be true in some professions, knowing how to work smarter, not harder will lead to a happier, less stressed life and increased productivity. These 5 tips can help you on your way to working smart.

  1. Take more breaks – on average, our brains are only able to focus for 90 minutes at a time, and then need 20 minutes to relax. Respecting your body’s natural chemistry and taking breaks throughout the day can help re-energize you and help reset your attention span.
  2. Take naps – naps can lead to improved cognitive function, creative thinking, and memory performance. Napping also helps the learning process, which helps people take in and retain information. Naps can also help people avoid feeling burnt out.
  3. Spend time in nature – something as simple as eating your lunch in a park or walking down a quiet street can let your mind fully relax which will allow you to focus when you go back to work.
  4. Plan the night before – write out your to do list the night before. This will help reduce your anxiety, allowing you to sleep better, and know exactly where to start the next day.
  5. Build habits to help you stop working – although this may seem a bit counterproductive, allowing yourself to stop working can help you be more productive the next day and make sure you are giving your work your full attention. Small things such as setting a firm cut off time for work or planning something when you get off can help build your habit of stopping work.

Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program can lead your insurance agency in the smarter not harder direction. The program will teach your agents how to work less, earn more, and enjoy more freedom.

Top 5 Must Have Tools for your Business

Having your own business can be tough to figure out. Luckily, there are many tools that make your life as a business owner easier and help your business run smoother. These top 5 tools are must haves if you own your own business.

  1. WordPress – with the age of blogging upon us, it is important to make sure you have the best blogging platform for your business. WordPress is a simple site that allows users to blog using the pre-designed templates or to create their own.
  2. Square – if you are still selling products from different, off-site locations, square is guaranteed to make your job run more smoothly. It allows you to take your credit card machine anywhere you go so you can make more sales.
  3.  LinkedIn – this online directory of resumes allows businesses to start with the best team of employees out there. It is a way to connect with like-minded individuals and to seek out new job opportunities.
  4. DropBox – this online link between all your Internet connected devices saves you from having to lug around a million different gadgets everywhere you go. It can save documents, pictures, and presentations that can be accessed or shared from anywhere on any device that is compatible.
  5. Skype – having clients or accounts overseas does not mean you have to drain your company’s travel budget. Skype is an easy and convenient way to hold face-to-face meetings with people around the world. It allows you to hold conference calls with the added benefit of being able to connect with others on a more personal level.

Along with these vital tools, make sure to contact Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Program. This program is a premier wealth creation program for insurance agents. The program can help you discover how to work less, earn more, and enjoy more freedom in your insurance company.

Battling the Monday Blues

Monday’s can be the most dreaded days of the workweek. A case of the Monday blues can have a negative impact on your productivity and performance. They can also have a negative impact on those around you. These easy steps can help you avoid the Monday blues.

  1. Identify the problem – knowing what is causing the Monday blues can help you solve the problem, especially if it is consistent problem. Figuring out if the problem is due to your job or outside issues can help you find a remedy.
  2. Prepare for Monday on Friday – try and leave yourself the least amount of dreadful work to finish the following Monday. If there is no way to avoid the work on Monday, make sure to get them done as early as possible so you don’t have to think about it the whole day.
  3. Make a list of things you’re excited about – on Sunday evening, make a list of all the positive things about the upcoming week. This will help make you more excited for the week.
  4. Unplug for the weekend – try to avoid checking you work emails or voicemails during the weekend. Checking emails or voicemails that you are not going to return until the next week will only make you more anxious about the upcoming week.
  5. Get enough sleep and wake up early – going to bed a little bit early on Sunday night can help ensure you wake up well rested on Monday. Waking up even 10 minutes early on Monday may seem like the wrong way to start your week, but the extra “me time” can help you feel like you are not crunched for time.
  6. Dress for success – wearing your favorite outfit on Monday morning can help build your confidence around the office. It could also lead to some compliments, raising your spirit even more.
  7. Have a post-work plan – making plans after work on Mondays can help you look forward to the start of the week.

Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Program hopes you never have to deal with the Monday blues, and to contact the program if you want to learn how to help your insurance company work less and earn more.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment can help raise employee moral and maintain a positive work environment. Although the employees of a company can help in creating the overall environment, it is ultimately up to the supervisors that set the tone in a company. These 10 easy ideas can help create a positive work environment and lead to increased productivity in the company.

  1. Encouraging trust – employees who know they can trust their supervisor will be more loyal which will lead to thriving employees.
  2. Demonstrate positive communication – being open with employees and being open to new ideas can help lead to a more positive work environment. It is also important to be receptive to employee feedback.
  3. Encourage staff to be their best – having high expectations for employees and providing positive reinforcement will encourage employees to do their best.
  4. Create team spirit – part basic human nature is the need to feel as if you are part of a group. Creating a sense of unity will allow your employees to feel as if they are part of a team, which will increase the smoothness of business, and decrease tardiness and absenteeism.
  5. Offer recognition and appreciation – a simple thank you or good job will go a long way.
  6. Be accessible – having an open-door policy will allow employees to feel as if they can come to you with any problems they may be encountering. Closed doors give the impression of barriers between the levels of employees.
  7. Offer credit and be responsible – when things are going well, always make sure to give credit where credit is due. This also goes the opposite way of assuming responsibility when things are not going the right way.
  8. Present an encouraging physical environment – small things such as natural light and keeping the office clean will go along way to creating a positive work environment.
  9. Make evaluations an encourage experience – employee evaluations are a great way to provide positive feedback. If an employee needs further development, don’t only focus on what they don’t know, make sure to point out what they are doing right as well.
  10.  Make room for fun – welcoming celebrations is a great way to create a positive and fun work environment.

Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program encourages you to make sure that you are creating the most positive work environment for your employees and remember to contact them when you want to learn how to enjoy more freedom when it comes to your insurance agency.

Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day is April 23rd, and is the perfect day to recognize the administrative professionals in your workplace. Administrative Professionals Day falls on the Wednesday of Administrative Professionals week, which is from April 20th to 26th.

Administrative Professionals Day is observed in many businesses throughout the United States and around the world. It is an observance, but not a public holiday in the United States.  Some employers show their appreciation for their administrative professionals by arranging events to highlight there their importance in the workplace and to help enhance their work related skills.

The National Secretaries Association was formed during World War II to recognize the contributions of secretaries to the economy, support their personal development, and help draw people into the rapidly growing position. The association’s name was changed to Professionals Secretaries International in 1981, and then finally to the International Administrative Professionals in 1988.

The changes in the names were done to reflect the changing tasks, qualifications and responsibilities of the members. The International Administrative Professionals organization now has an international voice, and provides education and training to set standards of excellence that are recognized around the world.

National Secretaries Week was started in 1952 in combination with the United States Department of Commerce and numerous office supply and equipment manufacturers. The Wednesday of that week was recognized as National Secretaries Day. The names of the holidays were changed to Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professionals Day in 2000 to keep up with the changing job titles and responsibilities of the modern administrative workforce.

Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Program would like to encourage your business to observe Administrative Professionals Day by recognizing all the hard work of dedicated administrators in your field. The program would also like to remind you to contact them to learn how to teach your insurance company how to work less, earn more, and enjoy more freedom.

10 ways for your business to go green

With Earth Day just around the corner, it is important to think of ways that your business can go green. Making these 10 small changes to your business can help change your business into a green business.

  1. Refurbish office furniture – if it is possible, refurbish old office furniture instead of buying new pieces. It can not only save your business money, but it can help the environment as well.
  2. Choose suppliers that take back packaging – this is not only better for the environment by reusing the packaging, but it can help cut costs down for both companies.
  3. Encourage emails – whenever possible, encourage employees and clients to communicate through email to cut down on paper waste.
  4. Print double sided – this can help cut down the amount of paper used at your business, which can also help save you money in supplies.
  5.  Reduce fax related paper waste – if it is avoidable, fax documents without a cover page to reduce the amount of paper that needs to be printed.
  6. Turn off equipment – when equipment, such as computers and printers, are not being used, turn them off. This can help reduce your businesses energy usage.
  7. Turn off taps completely – dripping water can waste thousands of gallons of water a year and cost your business a lot of money.
  8. Encourage carpooling – giving perks to those employees who carpool, such as a front parking spot, can help reduce your company’s overall emissions.
  9. Use energy efficient bulbs – replacing all light bulbs in the office with energy efficient ones can help cut down on the amount of energy used throughout the building.
  10.  Buy remanufactured ink and toner cartridges – one returned ink cartridge can keep 2.5 pounds of metal out of landfills, and remanufacturing one toner cartridge can save about half a gallon of oil.

Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program encourages you to make your business as green as possible. They would also like to teach you how to enjoy more freedom when it comes to your insurance agency.

Small business owners: Employee retention tips from big companies

Every business owner, no matter how big or small the company is, struggles with employee retention. However, larger companies seem to use the right techniques and tactics to maintain a higher employee retention rate. When it comes to improving the employee retention rates, small business owners needs to learn from, understand how and follow the lead of big companies.

Here are some big company tactics that every small business owner should use to help with employee retention:

  • Employee compensation: This includes pay, health insurance packages, discounts and anything else that can be offered to encourage employees to want to stay long-term.
  • Recognition programs: Reward employees for a job well done by recognizing them in front of their peers.
  • Leadership programs: Show employees you are willing to invest in their future by offering training opportunities to help them grow.
  • Mentoring programs: Develop a program where other employees help new hires understand what to expect while on the job.

Start taking the lead from the big companies and enlist a set retention program for your small business. The happier your employees are, the more likely they will want to stay long-term with your company.

For more information about how you can work less, earn more and enjoy more freedom within your insurance agency, contact Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program today.

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