Six Tips For A Happier Workplace

We are all in search of a happier workplace. Business owners who create a better work atmosphere have higher employee retention and a more productive workforce. Here are some six keys to creating, and keeping, a better atmosphere at the office. Share company goals and solicit employee input on how to reach them. Let them…

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Dealing With an Unhappy Customer

We all want happy customers who heartily recommend our services to others. The reality is however, even the best operated businesses have to deal with difficult customers. Customer relations are a crucial part of any business operation. Here are some tips in dealing with difficult customers. Change your attitude. Rather than going into the conversation…

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How to work smarter, not harder

Some people may think that the harder they work, the more they will achieve. While this may be true in some professions, knowing how to work smarter, not harder will lead to a happier, less stressed life and increased productivity. These 5 tips can help you on your way to working smart. Take more breaks…

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Top 5 Must Have Tools for your Business

Having your own business can be tough to figure out. Luckily, there are many tools that make your life as a business owner easier and help your business run smoother. These top 5 tools are must haves if you own your own business. WordPress – with the age of blogging upon us, it is important…

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Battling the Monday Blues

Monday’s can be the most dreaded days of the workweek. A case of the Monday blues can have a negative impact on your productivity and performance. They can also have a negative impact on those around you. These easy steps can help you avoid the Monday blues. Identify the problem – knowing what is causing…

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Creating a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment can help raise employee moral and maintain a positive work environment. Although the employees of a company can help in creating the overall environment, it is ultimately up to the supervisors that set the tone in a company. These 10 easy ideas can help create a positive work environment and…

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Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day is April 23rd, and is the perfect day to recognize the administrative professionals in your workplace. Administrative Professionals Day falls on the Wednesday of Administrative Professionals week, which is from April 20th to 26th. Administrative Professionals Day is observed in many businesses throughout the United States and around the world. It is…

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10 ways for your business to go green

With Earth Day just around the corner, it is important to think of ways that your business can go green. Making these 10 small changes to your business can help change your business into a green business. Refurbish office furniture – if it is possible, refurbish old office furniture instead of buying new pieces. It…

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Small business owners: Employee retention tips from big companies

Every business owner, no matter how big or small the company is, struggles with employee retention. However, larger companies seem to use the right techniques and tactics to maintain a higher employee retention rate. When it comes to improving the employee retention rates, small business owners needs to learn from, understand how and follow the…

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