3 Habits That All Successful Entrepreneurs Exhibit

Long-term success is the goal of all entrepreneurs, and all successful entrepreneurs share similar habits. Being an entrepreneur isn’t a job title, it’s a way of life that few have come to master. Starting a new business is a long-term process with many tough challenges—one of which is actually keeping the business alive for its long-term…

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Changing Your Behavior for Success!

Some habits can be dangerous for your business. Do you have any of them? No two snowflakes are alike: that’s something we learn from a very early age that holds scientific truth. This is because no two snowflakes fall in the same path—with even the smallest of temperature or pressure differences, they come out looking…

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Task Management App: Any.DO

Have you heard of Any.DO yet? Any.DO is an online platform that can be accessed through a smart phone application or on the internet. This app allows you to manage your tasks with the simple click of a button. If you are constantly finding yourself mind boggled with all the items on your to do…

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Benefits of Online Video Marketing

Have you ever thought about marketing your company through an online video? The use of online video marketing is becoming increasingly popular among the small business community. Compiled is a list of the benefits of online video marketing, hopefully convincing you to incorporate them into your small business marketing plan: Online video marketing is one…

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How Do You Define Greatness?

Everyone has their own interpretation of what greatness means to them and how to measure greatness. Each individual is on their own journey to discovering who they are, what they purpose is, and how they plan to achieve that purpose. Definitions of greatness vary depending on the person you are asking. In order to achieve…

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What Keeps Small Business Owners Up At Night

As an owner of a small business, you may face more challenges than owners of large corporations. Just because your business is small, it doesn’t make it any less important to the US Economy. A third of the United States population is employed by small businesses and with 28 small businesses in America, it is important that…

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4 Tips for Success

While planning is the first thing people suggest when it comes to success, it is not the only thing you can do to be successful. Take these 4 helpful tips from successful entrepreneurs into consideration during your quest for success: Desire – Find something that you have enough desire to get started. You don’t need…

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5 Strategies to Simplify Your Small Business Move

Whether you chose the wrong location to begin, got a really great deal on another location, are changing cities or states, or something else entirely, moving your small business can be rather complex and complicated. There’s a lot that the business owner has to think about, from planning the move and packing inventory to determining…

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Managing Your Online Reputation

If you dismiss the significance of online reviews of your business you could be making a big mistake. More and more people are turning to these reviews to help them make a buying decision. With 60% of us using smartphones, these reviews are accessible to most of us instantly from anywhere. Here are some helpful…

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