Battling the Monday Blues

Monday’s can be the most dreaded days of the workweek. A case of the Monday blues can have a negative impact on your productivity and performance. They can also have a negative impact on those around you. These easy steps can help you avoid the Monday blues.

  1. Identify the problem – knowing what is causing the Monday blues can help you solve the problem, especially if it is consistent problem. Figuring out if the problem is due to your job or outside issues can help you find a remedy.
  2. Prepare for Monday on Friday – try and leave yourself the least amount of dreadful work to finish the following Monday. If there is no way to avoid the work on Monday, make sure to get them done as early as possible so you don’t have to think about it the whole day.
  3. Make a list of things you’re excited about – on Sunday evening, make a list of all the positive things about the upcoming week. This will help make you more excited for the week.
  4. Unplug for the weekend – try to avoid checking you work emails or voicemails during the weekend. Checking emails or voicemails that you are not going to return until the next week will only make you more anxious about the upcoming week.
  5. Get enough sleep and wake up early – going to bed a little bit early on Sunday night can help ensure you wake up well rested on Monday. Waking up even 10 minutes early on Monday may seem like the wrong way to start your week, but the extra “me time” can help you feel like you are not crunched for time.
  6. Dress for success – wearing your favorite outfit on Monday morning can help build your confidence around the office. It could also lead to some compliments, raising your spirit even more.
  7. Have a post-work plan – making plans after work on Mondays can help you look forward to the start of the week.

Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Program hopes you never have to deal with the Monday blues, and to contact the program if you want to learn how to help your insurance company work less and earn more.

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