Million Dollar Sale Producer

What you have been waiting for is finally here! Discover the truth behind Million Dollar Sales Producer Jesse Parenti’s phenomenal success. 

When: May 18 – 19, 2017

Where: San Diego, CA

Jesse Parenti is a mega-successful multi-million dollar sales producer, and he will reveal every detail of his success in order to give you the opportunity to do the same. I get asked one specific question all the time: do I have a training session for producers to make them successful? The answer has regrettably been “No.” But things have changed.

We are now pumped to announce for the first time ever The Million Dollar Sales Producer Boot Camp is finally here and ready for you and your producers to go BIG in 2017!

This is a TWO-DAY event only, so make sure not to miss out on this rare opportunity.

You will be able to learn directly from REAL multi-million dollar insurance sales producer, Jesse Parenti, and Unstoppable Profit Producer, agency principal, producer, and marketing expert, Mike Stromsoe.

Here are the 5 Key Trigger of a Million Dollar Sales Producer you will discover at this great event.

  1. The Road to Riches – Learn the essentials and know what to be specific on.
  2. Secret Shortcuts – You will be given a map of the shortcuts to wealth and success.
  3. Set the Right Appointments – There are certain things you can do before you even show up to sell to increase your closing rate!
  4. Wealth Secrets – Create your niche and draw the riches that come from doing so.
  5. Lifetime Client Value – We have a proven system that creates a lock on your clients, so they will remain loyal to you and never want to leave.

Reserve your seat here!

Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for more details on this program and how you can score some tickets.  Don’t wait, space is limited and will sell out quickly!  Call 800-770-9984 Today!

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