Factors Determining An Employees Stay or Departure

While you may think that how much you pay your employees is what keeps them at your company, there are a variety of other influencing factors that determine their stay, or departure. Gathered are the main factors that determine an employee’s decision to stay at an organization or start job hunting:

  • One of the most influencing factors is the level of management. Each employee should be treated fairly, but uniquely. Learn what your employees are passionate about and what they are motivated by, and use that to improve the management of your business.
  • We no longer live in a world where competitive salaries are enough. Most workers would choose a job with a lower annual salary if they were to receive an employee benefits package.
  • Yes, money matters, but it is not everything. If you cannot afford to give your employees annual raises for their hard work, consider yearly bonuses to show your appreciation. Most employees simply seek a sense of appreciation to motivate them.

For more of these information tips, be sure to contact Mike’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program. This program can lead your organization to success.

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