Results from the Living Agency Laboratory Trenches
Here are a few tidbits from the agency trenches this week. I hope these proven, real world secrets help you continue to grow your business, make more money, make a difference for others and enjoy your life.
** Our newest marketing program is surrounding the persona of the “Doctor Of Insurance. This has become so much fun! We are doing video spots all over town, our marketing guru’s have us on the first page of Google (yes free), the replies to all of the incoming questions on our social media sites are so easy (writing prescription after prescription for people with symptoms). Feel free to take a peek at some of the videos on our agency blog –
** Received a call from an agent yesterday that was forwarded the latest link for agents to steal and IMPLEMENT on our 2010 referral program (exclusive, new and recently released) by an insurance company marketing rep that cared about him. The agent has just cancelled his yellow pages ads because they are not working, needs to hire new team members, and needs overall direction to grow his business. In other words, he needs a coach for his business. Glad he called; we will begin to help him Monday.
** Just received this link from our HR partner I thought this may help you sell some insurance >>>> CLICK HERE
** Many of my conversations with agents this week surrounded FULLY EXPLOITING all of your programs, whether it is agency team motivation, marketing or anything else. Are you? Do you have the right systems in place to do so? If you try a new program and it does not work right away, do you just let it die? Personally, I have people that hold me accountable to make sure this does not happen. If you recall our top 10 reasons to keep in touch from a few weeks ago, reason #7 was it takes 4-7 touches before a person will raise their hand and buy or respond to you. Never, ever give up!
** We are blowing away our sales goals this month in our agency. IMHO ( in my humble opinion), this is in part due to the new direct mail and email campaign we put in place for 2010 for OUR AGENCY TEAM MEMBERS. That’s right, we email and direct mail our team members at their homes to remind and motivate them of our goals, which they are, obligated to step up or get out. Stay tuned, I will be sharing the intimate details of this program very soon.
I hope this helps you, let me know if you have any questions.
Helping you implement, execute and take action,
Mike Stromsoe
Creator and Head Coach of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Coaching Program for Insurance Agents
Phone 800-770-9984
Blog –
There is nothing better than helping someone who wants to be helped. I want to help you. Go to my website right now at and collect your 3 free gifts.
PS The special MADNESS bonus for March ends next week, don’t procrastinate! I will help you make more green and eliminate the madness from your agency. Get all of the details today. Call or email us now for your FREE, 29 minute, no obligation agency analysis. Call 800-770-9984 or email [email protected] right away. Hurry – this offer Expires at the end of the month!
PSS You’ll always have our exclusive double lock guarantee. Our goal is always your complete satisfaction.
PSSS What exactly is the Unstoppable Profit Producer program? It’s a coaching program for insurance agents to help agencies discover how to quickly and easily learn how to work less and earn more money in your insurance agency business. What is different about the Unstoppable Profit Producer program? The creator and head coach is not someone who USED TO work in the agency business, I still do. I have invested 24 years of sweat and blood, which has resulted in an intense fortress of weapons that are available to you. By implementing what we teach, your top and bottom line will swell, resulting in more freedom for you and whatever else your mind can conceive.
And there is more good news – Truth IS Stronger than Fiction. In the video below are a few words from a successful agent who implemented what the Unstoppable Profit Producer Coaching Program teaches. Listen closely to everything Israel says when asked about his experience:
Click >>>>>> HERE NOW
PSSSS Please, don’t forget about the 3 FREE gifts, go right now to and claim your free gifts today