The Quality and Quantity of Service You Render Fixes Your Income and Determines Your Experiences
If you don’t subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s “Thought of the Day”, I strongly recommend you do. Scroll down on the left side of this page and click the on the link “Thought of the Day”. Below is today’s message and is so pertinent.
The only constraints that you have on your income and advancement potential are those you place upon yourself. If you don’t like your position, or if you are unhappy with your income, do something about it. What can you do to make yourself more valuable to your department or your company? What tasks have not been completed because no one has the time or the inclination to take care of them? Look around and identify things that need to be done. Don’t wait to be asked. If you make it a habit to seek out opportunities, to take on new tasks, you will increase your knowledge about the your business and become so valued that your clients can’t afford to lose you.