Being published in newspaper articles

Mike –
Thank you for spending some time with me today, I really appreciate it! I may send you a few follow-up questions over the next couple of days, as I am sending out my first few welcome kits, and I know that things usually come up ‘when’ we are doing something, more than when we are just ‘looking’ at something…

Follow-up question:
In the Kit#1 folder you sent to me, you have a newspaper article that they are quoting you in… “What to do if you have an accident” how did you make that happen? Was it a press release or did you call the newspaper with a story idea or ???

Thanks for getting back to me!
Best regards,
Agency Owner


  1. Mike Stromsoe on May 15, 2009 at 10:51 pm

    I really didn’t. The newspaper reporter called me out of the blue. She was doing a story on auto accidents at the time, had spoken to our client Michael Beckman who advised we were his agent and took great care of him, then she called me. This was 10-12 years ago, but I still use it

    It’s back to what we were discussing yesterday about earning the right to be the “expert” in the area. This is accomplished through a multitude of activity, including authorship of articles, books, issuing press releases, doing your job well all of the time, keeping contact with key area people, keeping a constant stream of valid, critical information in the hands of your customers and centers of influence all of the time(you never knows who knows who) and more.

    Good luck

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