Thank Your Clients Uniquely

Sending a simple “thank you” can go a long way in creating a strong connection with your clients. It’s incredible how far a “thank you” can take you when it comes to your clients. Customers spend more, and vendors are more likely to pay on time if they receive a regular thank you. But when it…

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3 Tips for Managing Customer Service

If you’ve ever been on the phone with a cable company, you know how much a lack of customer service can make you want to rip your hair right of out your head. You don’t like being treated like garbage; your customers won’t want anything different. Changing your customer service objectives can go a long…

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Soar Your Sales with These Questions

Ten questions for successful sales for your entrepreneurial enterprise. At a start-up business, founding entrepreneurs often function as the company’s salesperson even if they’re not a natural-born seller. The good news is that once these activities are defined, they can be monitored, measured, and improved to increase performance. To get your business on the way to…

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