Wishing Your Life Away…..OR

If you’re like me, you sometimes hear yourself saying, “When such and such happens, then I will…….or, If only so and so would do this, then I would do that…. or, I would get further on this project if….or , I will be satisfied when….. “

In longing for some future good, we forget that every day-regardless of the weather or our circumstances-it is a gift to be able to get up every day and make a difference. But’s it’s those who take action who can truly make a difference.

Author Ron Ash adds on this subject “We are where we need to be and learning what we need to learn. Stay the course because the things we experience today will lead us to where we need to be tomorrow.”

There is a reason you are reading this post. It is my sincere desire that the main reason is because it makes a difference in your life.

Wishing you and yours all the best for an awesome weekend!

Helping agents implement, execute and take action,

Mike Stromsoe, Creator of the
Unstoppable Profit Producer Coaching
Program for Insurance Agents
Website – www.unstoppableprofitproducer.com – Get your 3 Complimentary Gifts Today!
Blog – www.411mike.com

PS On the subject of implementing, I was able to share some of the basic tools of the Unstoppable Profit Producer program with a group of agents this week. While many of the agents “got” what I was sharing with them, others were not willing to step outside of their comfort zone and change their lives….what is your preference? Wishing your life away or TAKING ACTION so that you control your destiny. If I can help you decide, call me at 800-770-9984 or email me at [email protected].

Here’s What Other Agents Say About the Unstoppable Profit Producer Coaching Program and How Their Lives Have Been Changed:

“You completely changed the direction of my business. You are inspiration with timely, real information. You provide the tools and actually show us how to implement, execute and take action so money instantly fell to the bottom line, just like you promised. No airy fairy, totally results driven”

–Kathleen McConnell, Roseville, CA

“Since the day I met you, my life has changed. Your encouragement, servant leadership, guidance and awesome marketing ideas and strategies have helped take my business to a new level. If it wasn’t for the ongoing meetings, feedback and gentle encouragement, I would not enjoy the lifestyle I currently live. Looking back, who would have guessed that in just a few short years of initiating our business relationship, I would be who I am and where I am today. I truly mean it with the deepest and most sincere feelings of gratitude and thanks from the bottom of my heart when I say thanks Mike and God bless you!”
–Patrick O’Neill, O’Neill Insurance Agency, Wadsworth, Ohio

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