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4 Unique Ways to Improve Employee Productivity

When it comes to increasing productivity in the workplace, there are a variety of ways in which you can approach the situation. Many business owners fail to involve themselves in the workplace of their standard employees, which can often lead to laziness and decreased motivation. If you are ready to improve employee productivity in your workforce, we suggest trying these unique tactics:

  1. Chances are your employees spend the majority of their days stuck inside. They remain in their office all day and then go home to relax, cook dinner, and go to bed. Therefore, adding some plants and greenery to the office can significantly increase productivity.
  2. The world of cubicles and space utilization is moving behind us as experts have noticed decreased motivation levels for staff forced to sit in closed corners each day. Increased productivity is noticed in businesses that have switched to the conference style workplace atmosphere.
  3. While regular breaks are necessary, many business owners are finding success in productivity levels when they schedule organized exercise breaks. This may include hiring a yoga instructor to give a short lesson once a week or taking a staff-walk each day.
  4. Most importantly, listen to your people! Too many business owners fail to acknowledge small requests and concerns, which can prove to be consequential. When your employees do not feel comfortable sharing a concern with you, they may be inclined to slack off a bit.

If you are ready to take your agency to the next level and start living life on your terms, join us at Unstoppable Profit Producer Boot Camp, on December 4th & 5th in Costa Mesa, California! This two-day LIVE event is designed to give you EVERYTHING you need to Explode Your Business, Create Financial Security, and Have More Freedom in 2015! Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

Success, How Badly Do you Want it?

While you may be inclined to view timing as the most important factor in success, there is no ideal time to start working towards your dreams. Business owners looking to achieve success must be ready to start now! When it comes to growing your business, it really depends on how badly you want it.

As a business owner, if you find yourself asking the following questions, you may not want success as much as you think you do:

  • When is a good time to start this new program?
  • Is the time worth the effort?

As a business owner, if you find yourself saying the following, you may kind of want it but you are not quite there yet:

  • This is really going to take a lot of time and effort; maybe we should just give up now.
  • This is too strenuous of a process; maybe we should choose a simpler approach.
  • Even though the program says to do it this way, maybe we can cut corners just a bit without any consequences.

Until success becomes the very essence of you, you will not be able to feel accomplished. Business owners striving to take control of the future of their business do not skip corners or slack off in the least bit. Start taking control of your business’ future and head over to the Unstoppable Profit Producer Boot Camp!

If you are ready to take your agency to the next level and start living life on your terms, join us at Unstoppable Profit Producer Boot Camp, on December 4th & 5th in Costa Mesa, California! This two-day LIVE event is designed to give you EVERYTHING you need to Explode Your Business, Create Financial Security, and Have More Freedom in 2015! Contact Mike Stromsoe’s Unstoppable Profit Producer Program for a premier wealth creation program that will help you work less, earn more, and enjoy life!

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