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Good News

Hundreds of people that are cared about deeply, respected and are considered lifelong friends have encouraged me many times over to provide this information to as many people as possible. Take a look at the good news below. I hope you can make it. It is going to be the beginning of something GREAT!

Good news


Wishing you continued massive success!

“You can have everything you want if you’ll simply give enough other people what they need”
Zig Ziglar

Implement, Execute and Take Action

The above title is one of my very favorite for I have learned over the last 22+ years in business that ideas are a dime a dozen, but those that are implemented turn into dollars, sometimes hundreds, thousands or millions of dollars. Singles versus home runs will be a future blog topic. My question for you today is – what is your strategy to make sure your important and/or critical business goals get implemented/executed versus becoming part of the pile on your desk or the desk of someone else? How is your delegation plan working daily? Good luck luck on forward progress. Make a difference every day and Be Unstoppable

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