What Coaching Will Do For You & Your Agency

America’s Leading Community & Coaching Program For Independent Insurance Agency Owners

What if you had a simple Proven 3 step blueprint, that would grow your insurance business, create financial security and give you all the freedom you wanted – Guaranteed?

Well you can!

Over the past 35+ years of research in my own agency business, I have created a blueprint called the 3 P’s. It’s so easy!


It’s hard to overstate the life-changing transformation that building a systemized agency will achieve. Inside UPP, you’ll have the tools and support to turn your agency into a high-performing, autonomous operation, that gets you out of the weeds and into the CEO’s chair.


A supportive community of like-minded agency owners driven to achieve business and personal success


We’re proud to have built a community of growth-oriented, abundant-mindset, driven agency owners who openly share experience, successes, and mistakes. With centuries of collective experience across the country, there’s almost nothing our group hasn’t seen.


Inside the UPP community, you’ll find...

Unparalleled Support As You Build

I’ve never been part of a program where we share information so freely. The support within UPP is like nothing I've ever experienced. The camaraderie and community are incredible. Everyone is genuinely invested in each other's success.

Sam Siador

Saber Insurance Agency

The relationships and resources we've gained from the community have helped us navigate challenges and grow our business.

Nancy Mendizabal

Apple Valley Agency

Having a network of agency owners who share openly and help each other without hesitation has been invaluable. We’ve formed deep connections with other agency owners, which has been instrumental in achieving our goals.

Vanessa Kimball

Kimball Insurance

Genuine Collaboration & Community

The collaboration and willingness to help each other succeed are what set UPP apart from other programs.

Janice Beighey

Tower Insurance

The community aspect of UPP is amazing. It's not just about the coaching; it's about being part of a family.

Toby Yeary

McKnight Insurance

Being part of UPP means having a network that you can rely on for advice, support, and motivation to keep pushing forward.

Terren Moore

Moore Farms & Insurance

Shared Experiences

I’ve built close relationships with other members, and the support has been crucial to our growth. The openness in our group meetings allows us to ask honest questions and share real challenges.

Mariah Davis

Oakview Insurance Services

I’ve built close relationships with other members, and the support has been crucial to our growth. The openness in our group meetings allows us to ask honest questions and share real challenges.

Mariah Davis

Oakview Insurance Services

I’ve built close relationships with other members, and the support has been crucial to our growth. The openness in our group meetings allows us to ask honest questions and share real challenges.

Mariah Davis

Oakview Insurance Services

It’s lonely being in the owner’s seat. If you’re looking for like-minded peers to help you achieve more than you ever thought possible, you’ll find them inside UPP.


The coaching, mentorship, and accountability you need to commit to your goals and implement change.


Processes and community aren’t enough without hands-on guidance to implement and accountability to the goals you’ve set. Our coaching program offers...

Mentorship and Goal-Setting

Mike’s coaching has helped us create a clear vision for our agency and take actionable steps towards our goals.

Toby Yeary

McKnight Insurance

The mentorship and personalized guidance from Mike have given me the confidence to grow my business.

Sam Siador

Saber Insurance Agency

Partnership for Accountability

Having someone to reliably talk to and hold me accountable has been a game-changer. My spouse cannot be my accountability partner.

Mariah Davis

Oakview Insurance Services

The accountability and support I get from UPP are unmatched. It keeps me pushing forward.

Vanessa Kimball

Kimball Insurance

Hands-On Guidance

Mike has actually run an agency for over 35 years and that makes a difference. He gets it because he’s been in my seat.

Mariah Davis

Oakview Insurance Services

Focused Progress

Joel’s monthly accountability meetings keep me on track and focused on achieving my goals.

Janice Beighey

Tower Insurance
Group 4274 (1)

Step 1 Is Your People

Imagine if you had only top-notch people on your team? And if you had the tools to consistently motivate them, make them accountable, so they made YOU more money?

Group 4275

Step 2 Is Your Processes

What would your life be like if you could leave on a 2 week vacation to Spain and not have to worry about your agency? If You have the right processes in place, you can! Your agency will literally run itself.

Group 4277

Step 3 Is Your Promotions

What if you had all of the tools you needed to create a marketing program that ran like a well-oiled machine? A complete ‘done for you’ Welcome Kit. A Referral Program that Explodes your profits and gives back to your community. A Nurture program that continually touched your clients and prospects, so that you are always “top of mind’. How great would it feel if your clients and your community couldn’t stop talking about how amazing your agency is and your clients referred all their friends and family to you?

Mike Stromsoe's Private Coaching & Mastermind Programs

Get Started Today…

  • Start building the agency you’ve always dreamed of…
  • Simply click the “Get Started Today” button below…
  • Take Advantage Of This Proven 3 Step Blueprint And Explode Your Insurance Business Today!

You Have No Risk

100% Complete Satisfaction Guarantee

We feel so strongly about people’s results from our programs – if you’re not 100% satisfied, you will receive the promised refund and we’ll part friends. It’s that simple!

I know, you are asking, why is Mike Stromsoe willing to take all the risk and stick his neck out like this?

It’s simple … my 35+ year reputation in business means everything to me. I’m devoted to having only successful, satisfied clients. If you’re not going to profit from attending this event, I really would prefer to refund your money and part as friends. I have no unhappy clients, and I am not about to start with you!
